Title: « A Cross-Device Pattern-based Approach for Designing Multiple User Interfaces to Information Systems »
Date and Venue: 29 March 2017 at 9:30, Salle Vaes (LSM, Bâtiment Doyen, Place des Doyens 1, Louvain-la-Neuve)
Based on a comparative analysis of different user interface pattern catalogues, languages, and on the requirements elicited from it, this thesis defines a cross-device pattern as a pattern expecting to capture a general solution to a problem of designing multiple user interfaces of information systems for multiple contexts of use, particularly devices and platforms.A conceptual model of cross-device pattern is defined with its semantics expressed as a UML 2.0 class diagram and its syntax via User Interface Pattern Language Markup Language (UIPLML), a XML-compliant markup language for designing Multiple User Interfaces (MUIs) patterns for multiple contexts of use. To validate UIPLML, four pattern databases offering multi-faceted search have been created. A step-wise method for applying cross-device pattern is defined and applied on a running case study. Three frequently used design patterns, i.e., the Master-and-Details design pattern, the Population Interaction Unit and the Service Interaction Unit of the OO-Method, are then subject to a methodological instantiation. Various software prototypes (i.e., UsiMAD, PaDeRa) have been developed in order to investigate the impact of the method on designers who are responsible for designing multiple user interfaces based on cross-device patterns.
Registration for the dissertation: thanh-diane.nguyen@uclouvain.be