Center for Natural Language Processing (CENTAL)


Crédits photos: Jacky Delorme

Technical and scientific expertise

The CENTAL technology platform provides expertise in the computer processing of textual data.

  • Technical expertise
    Machine learning, neural networks and deep learning, development of linguistic resources, rule-based methods
  • Information extraction
    Named entity recognition, relationship extraction, sentiment analysis and opinion extraction, document classification and clustering, text readability and simplification
  • Information retrieval
    Domain-specific search engines, similarity engines, thesaurus and ontology development, query analysis and expansion
  • Training
    Training of experts in natural language processing (NLP), customised training, summer schools


  • NLP: health care, finance and law
  • Social media exploitation
  • Megadata analysis

Services available to

  • UCLouvain students and researchers
  • Non-UCLouvain parties


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Boost innovation in your company with the technology platforms of UCLouvain Did you know? Technology platforms give you access to expertise, equipment and infrastructures at the cutting...