Archives for CORE



UCouvain Economic Seminar- Gilat Levy, LSE

Gilat Levy LSE will give a presentation on Political social-learning: short-term memory and cycles of polarisation Abstract: In this paper, we explore the effect of short-term memory on political outcomes in a model in which politics is viewed as a collective learning process. We...
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Academic Recruitment Seminar

"Bidding and Investment in Wholesale Electricity Markets: Pay-as-Bid versus Uniform-Price"
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Brown Bag Seminar: Aleksandar Todorovic

"What leads people tolerate negative interest rates on savings?"   Using an online experiment, we examine to what extent people are ready to bear negative interest rates (NIR hereafter) on their savings. We find some tolerance to NIR, which strongly depends on the amount of savings,...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

UCLouvain Economics Seminar: Ferdinand Vieider

Environmental Factors Shape Risk Preferences Ferdinand Vieider, Gent University Risk preferences are a key determinant of individual decisions. Such preferences change over time and differ across individuals, but little is known on what shapes them. We present unique incentivized panel...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Evi Pappa, European University Institute

Unstable Monetary Unions – The Role of Expectations and Past Experience Michal Kobielarz, KULeuven This paper investigates the empirical patterns of pre-crisis variables in the Eurozone countries to highlight that pre-euro inflation experiences are a good and so far neglected candidate for...
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