Archives for INCAL


Défense de thèse

Feeling‐Thinking: Embodiment and Knowledge in the Poetry...

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Défense de thèse

Changements de styles et d'étiquettes dans la...

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Atelier de l'historien·ne

Les sénateurs romains et leurs fonctions religieuses :...

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The universalization of spirituality as a health condition

For seven years, I have followed a growing and curious network that brings together the World Health Organization, neuroscientists, MRI machines, clinical protocols, and public policies. From this heterogeneous set of actors, documents, and machines, I have identified a common commitment: to...
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Material religion, colonial heritage, and building...

This presentation takes the relation between religious buildings and cities as its starting point. Unlike the majority perspective in Latin America, our focus is not on the construction of temples but on the disputes arising from the demolition of religious buildings. We argue that demolition...
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