Archives for ISP


Life & Cognition - Session 6

Schrödinger’s What is Life ? Revisited

6TH SESSION : Schrödinger’s What is Life? Revisited Life and cognition seminar series  With Daniel J. Nicholson (George Mason University) Abstract: Erwin Schrödinger’s What is Life? is one of the most celebrated scientific works of the twentieth century. However, like most...
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Chaire Hoover

Workshop on Facts, Concepts, Norms and Values

Hybrid workshop jointly organized by The Center for the Study of Rationalities and Beliefs (University of Bucharest) and the Hoover Chair of Social and Economic Ethics (UCLouvain) Info and program on the Hoover chair website
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Séance conclusive

GRICE - Campus en Transition

La séance conclusive du GRICE 2021-2022 (Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Crise Ecologique) sur le thème "Campus en Transition", aura lieu le 7 juin 2022, à partir de 14h, au Socrate -240. Programme : 14h : Cécile RENOUARD Présidente du Campus de...
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Olofos Seminar session 6 : Between Practical Reason and...

The Institut supérieur de philosophie of the UCLouvain, the research centre CEFISES, and the contact group OLOFOS ((Onto-)LOgical Frameworks Of Science) are very happy to invite everyone interested to the sixth meeting of this year’s OLOFOS seminar....
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Le Moyen Age revisité #5

Ce séminaire se tiendra le jeudi, de 14h à 16h, en comodal : A.03 aux Auditoires des Sciences, Place des Sciences 2, Louvain-la-Neuve, et via Teams. Date des séances : - Le 10 mars (lien : - Le 24 mars (lien...
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