Archives for ISP


Life & Cognition seminar series

The Fourth Perspective: Evolution and Organismal Agency

The CEFISES Center is pleased to announce the third session of the Life & Cognition seminar series in 2020/2021. Our invited speaker will be Johannes Jaeger Complexity Science Hub (CSH), Vienna, Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Vienna Title: “The Fourth...
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Chaire Mercier 2020-2021

The Topics of Thought - Leçon 5

"The Topics of Thought" - Prof Franz Berto (Chaire Mercier 2020-2021) Intentionality is a feature of some mental states: that of being about, that is, directed towards, objects, situations, states of affairs. Propositional or de dicto intentional states are states having propositions as their...
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2e séance

Séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE...

Deuxième séance du programme 2020-2021 du séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE du Mardi 17 novembre 2020  de 14h-16h en ligne (Teams) Titre : "Effondrement: risques et réalités". Coordination : M. Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace...
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Chaire Hoover

E- Mich - "Making energy retrofitting free and mandatory"

Mardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Olivier Malay.  Inscriptions : Dina Geron : Housing accounts for a significant share of carbon emissions and is therefore an important part of an ecological transition. In this respect, the Walloon Region's strategy...
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Chaire Mercier 2020-2021

The Topics of Thought - Leçon 4

"The Topics of Thought" - Prof Franz Berto (Chaire Mercier 2020-2021) Intentionality is a feature of some mental states: that of being about, that is, directed towards, objects, situations, states of affairs. Propositional or de dicto intentional states are states having propositions as their...
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