Facilities for Students
epl | Louvain-la-Neuve, Charleroi
© Eric Herchaft – Reporters
Computer rooms
AT EPL you will be able to have a 24-hour access to the computer rooms using the UCL smartcard which you will receive upon your arrival at EPL. Four computer rooms are accessible to EPL students:
• CANDIX et DAO rooms located at Vinci building, room a-169 (CANDIX), room a-182 (DAO)
• TECHNIX et IAO rooms located at Vinci building, room a-125 (TECHNIX), room a-178 (IAO)
These 4 computer rooms are open 24/7, public holidays included.
Each student has a personal and unique login and password to access the machines of the faculty.
IT environment
Each computer can be booted up under LINUX or WINDOWS.
Once connected, you have a single working area on a server of the faculty, accessible with WINDOWS or LINUX, no matter the room.
Each student has a UCL e-mail with the format (firstname.lastname@student.uclouvain.be). The password of this e-mail is the same one as the password of your login.
Printing Services
A laser printer is accessible in the room a-182 (close to DAO room) only during working hours (8.15 AM- 6.00PM on week days). A quota of 50 A4 copies is offered free of charge to every new coming student at EPL. The additional copies are invoiced 4 cents per A4 and 8 cents per A3. Access to Internet for laptops is possible either through ethernet cable or wifi.
Visit UCL general information on IT service access
Person in charge of IT services for EPL:
Mr. Freddy Gridelet,
Phone: 010/479002
Email: [User#getMailto#freddy.gridelet@uclouvlain.be#freddy gridelet]
Office: building Pythagore room a112
For any help about IT services in our faculty, write an e-mail to: aide-siepl@listes.uclouvain.be
Library access
There are 9 libraries over the campus of Louvain-la-Neuve, all accessible with the UCL student card. The BST (Bibliothèque des Sciences & Technology) is the closest one to EPL. The opening hours cand be found on the BST website.
You can also make a search on the UCL library online catalogue.
Where to find books and course materials?
At EPL you will find a student association which prints all the course material that you need, so that you can buy them at a very cheap price. This organization is called the SICI. They also sell books cheaper than in bookstores. The SICI's office is located in the Pierre Curie building (offices a.030.30 and a.030.40). It is therefore highly recommended to come and purchase books and syllabi for EPL courses at the SICI.