18 juin 2024
19 juin 2024
18 juin, 14h-19h / 19 juin, 9h45-19h
Salle Ladrière (A 124), Collège Mercier Place Cardinal Mercier 14, Louvain-la-neuve
International Conference organized by Centre De Wulf-Mansion (CDWM)
18 June
14:00–14:30: Welcome address and introduction by the conference organizers
Session 1
Moderator: Cécile Bonmariage
14h40-15h20 William Duba (Université de Fribourg), Ferrara-Florence and the Finality of Knowledge
15h25-16h05 Patrícia Calvário (UCLouvain), Thomassin on the Vision of God: From “Quid antiqui philosophi senserunt” to the GreekFathers
16h05-16h20, Short Break
Session 2
Moderator: Patrícia Calvário
16h20-17h00 György Geréby (Central European University), Beatific Vision and Eschatology: Problems for Thomas Aquinas andGregory Palamas
17h05-17h45 Nikolaos Loudovikos (University of Ioannina), Vision as Analogical Participation: a Greek-PatristicReading of Thomas Aquinas
18h30 Reception in Salle Ladrière: Belgian Wine & Cheese Tasting
19 June
Session 3
Moderator: José Higuera
09h45-10h25 Jean-Michel Counet (UCLouvain), La ‘Visio Facialis’ dans le ‘De Visione Dei’ de Nicolas de Cues.
10h30-11h10 Christian Trottmann (CNRS), ‘Resurrectio vitae mortem mortis parturivit’, sur l’eschatologie de Charles de Bovelles etson évolution
11h10-11h25 Short Break
Session 4
Moderator: Claus Andersen
11h25-12h05 Aline Smeesters (UCLouvain), Perspectives jésuites sur la vision béatifique: entre scolastique, mystique et poétique
12h10-12h50 Severin Kitanov (Salem State University), Echoes of the Past in Late Sixteenth-Century Debates about the Beatific Vision at the University of Coimbra: Francisco Suarez, Francisco Carreiro, and Egídio da Apresentaҫão On Seeing God Face-to-Face
13h00-14h15 Lunch break
Session 5
Moderator: Apaoan Machado
14h15-14h55 José Higuera (UNED), The Mirroring Architecture of Juan de Herrera: How to Satiate the ‘natural desire of seeing God’through Visual Representations
15h00-15h40 Zachary Seals (Université de Genève), Calvins "Greek" View of the Beatific Vision? Continuities and Controversies in Reformed Orthodoxy
15h45-16h25 Christos Arampatzis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), La réfutation antipalamite au XVIIIe siècle: Vikentios Damodos contre Denys Petau
16h25-16h40 Short Break
Session 6
Moderator: Jacob Schmutz
16h40-17h20 Joana Serrado (TU Chemnitz), Beatific vision in the Baroque Lusophone Empire
17h25-18h05 Roberto Hofmeister Pich (PUCRS Porto Alegre), Alfonso Briceño OFM (1587–1668) on the “vision of God”: On theDebate about Intuitive Cognition, species, and Abstractive Cognition in 17th-Century Scotism
20h00 Conference dinner at “Il Doge”
Patrícia Calvário
Jacob Schmutz
Scientific Committee:
Cécile Bonmariage (UCLouvain)
John Demetracopoulos (University of Patras)
Odile Gilon (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Isabelle Mandrella (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Nicola Polloni (Università degli Studi di Messina)