3rd workshop of the Olofos Group : Clash between the manifest and the scientific image of the world


Call for Abstract : Clash between the manifest and the scientific image of the world is the theme of the 3rd workshop of the OLOFOS group.

It will take place on May 28-29 2020 in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) at the Institut supérieur de philosophie (ISP) of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain).
Note that any approach to this theme of Wilfrid Sellars is potentially acceptable. However, contributions about the confrontation of two perspectives on the world :

the one of the human subject/agent and the one of scientific theories, no matter which kind of philosophical account one has of them, will have the preference of the selection committee.

Invited speakers :

Michel Ghins, UCLouvain,
Édouard Machery, University of Pittsburgh
Huw Price, University of Cambridge (to be confirmed)
Dunja Šešelja, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

Submission of abstracts :

All contributions should be submitted by January 15, 2020.

Contributions format :
All submissions must include an abstract (max 1000 words) entered directly on the submission platform in the appropriate input field.

How to submit :
All submissions must be made exclusively electronically via the website:


The program committee will inform contributors of results on February 15, 2020.

Publié le 07 janvier 2020