Bart Jourquin
Professeur ordinaire
Année Intitulé Institution
1990 Ingénieur Commercial FUCaM
1990 Certificat d'études supérieures en informatique appliquée FUCaM
1990 Certificat en gestion des aspects humains du management FUCaM
1995 Doctorat en sciences économiques appliquées FUCaM
- Diplômes
Année Label Institution 1995 Docteur en sciences économiques appliquées Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons
Les recherches du professeur Jourquin se concentrent sur les analyses socio-économiques des réseaux de transport de marchandises :
- Modélisation de réseaux de transport multi-modaux
- Economie des transports, analyses coûts-bénéfices, coûts externes...
- Localisation optimales de terminaux
- Impacts climatiques
- ...
Jourquin, Bart. Accessibility Measures in Modal Choice Models: A Proof of Concept Applied to Freight Transport. In: Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 13, no.01, p. 38-60 (2023). doi:10.4236/jtts.2023.131003.
Jourquin, Bart. Integrating an Accessibility Measure in the Modal Choice of Strategic Freight Transport Models. In: SSRN Electronic Journal, (2022). doi:10.2139/ssrn.4006887.
Jourquin, Bart. Mode choice in strategic freight transportation models: a constrained Box–Cox meta-heuristic for multivariate utility functions. In: Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, p. 1-21 (2021). doi:10.1080/23249935.2021.1937375.
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. Cost, transit time and speed elasticity calculations for the European continental freight transport. In: Transport Policy, Vol. 83, no., p. 1-12 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2019.08.009.
Jourquin, Bart. Estimating Elasticities for Freight Transport Using a Network Model: An Applied Methodological Framework. In: Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 09, no.01, p. 1-13 (2019). doi:10.4236/jtts.2019.91001.
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. De nouveaux terminaux à conteneurs en Belgique : hasard ou nécessité ?. In: Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. LVI, no.2, p. 89-99 (Septembre 2017). doi:10.3917/rpve.556.0089.
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. De nouveaux terminaux à conteneurs en Belgique : hasard ou nécessité ?. In: Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. LVI, p. 89-99 (2017). doi:10.3917/rpve.562.0089.
Jourquin, Bart. Calibration and Validation of Strategic Freight Transportation Planning Models with Limited Information. In: Journal of Transportation Technologies, Vol. 6, p. 239-256 (26/09/2016). doi:10.4236.
Beuthe, M. ; Jourquin, Bart ; Urbain, N.. Estimating Freight Transport Price Elasticity in Multi-mode Studies: A Review and Additional Results from a Multimodal Network Model. In: Transport Reviews, Vol. 34, no.5, p. 626-644 (2014). doi:10.1080/01441647.2014.946459.
Jourquin, Bart. On the generalized cost - demand elasticity of intermodal container transport. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 2014, no.4, p. 362-364 (2014).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Urbain, Nathalie ; Lingemann, Inge ; Ubbels, Barry. Climate change impacts on transport on the Rhine and Danube : a multimodal approach. In: Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 27, p 6-11 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.trd.2013.11.002.
Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Pecheux, Claude ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Van de Vijver, Elien ; Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. Exploring the profession of mobility manager in Belgium and their impact on commuting. In: Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, Vol. 55, p. 46-55 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.tra.2013.07.011.
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Urbain, Nathalie. Measuring freight transport elasticities with a multimodal network model. In: Transport reviews, Vol. 34, no. 5, p. 626-644 (2014).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel ; Urbain, Nathalie. Estimating the Impacts of Water Depth and New Infrastructures on Transport by Inland Navigation: A Multimodal Approach for the Rhine Corridor. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 54, no.0, p. 387-401 (4/10/2012). doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.758.
Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. On the mobility policies of companies: What are the good practices? The Belgian case. In: Transport Policy, Vol. 21, p. 10-19 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2011.12.005.
Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. Rail commuting to workplaces in Belgium: a multilevel approach. In: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 6, no. 2, p. 67-87 (2012). doi:10.1080/15568318.2011.555599.
Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Van De Vijver, Elien ; Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. What determines carpooling to workplaces in Belgium: location, organisation, or promotion?. In: Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 22, p. 77-86 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2011.11.006.
Macharis, Cathy ; Caris, An ; Jourquin, Bart ; Pekin, Ethem. A decision support framework for intermodal transport policy. In: European Transport Research Review, Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 167-178 (2011). doi:10.1007/s12544-011-0062-5.
Jonkeren, Olaf ; Jourquin, Bart ; Rietveld, Piet. Modal-split effects of climate change: The effect of low water levels on the competitive position of inland waterway transport in the river Rhine area. In: Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, Vol. 45, no. 10, p. 1007-1019 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.tra.2009.01.004.
Limbourg, Sabine ; Jourquin, Bart. Market area of intermodal rail-road container terminals embedded in a hub-and-spoke network. In: Papers in Regional Science, Vol. 89, no. 1, p. 135-154 (2010). doi:10.1111/j.1435-5957.2009.00255.x.
Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. Mobility management measures by employers: overview and exploratory analysis for Belgium. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 10, no. 2, p. 121-141 (Juin 2010).
Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. << Let the business cycle ! >> A spatial multilevel analysis of cycling to work. In: Belgeo, Vol. 2009, no. 2, p. 217-232 (2009).
Jourquin, Bart. Book review: Rob Konings, Hugo Priemus and Peter Nijkamp (2008) The Future of Intermodal Freight Transport Operations, Design and Policy. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 9, no. 2, p. 182-183 (2009).
Jourquin, Bart. Impact of container terminal locations on the efficiency of the European intermodal freight transport market. In: The Fifth Conference, no. 3, p. 58-59 (2009).
Limbourg, Sabine ; Jourquin, Bart. Optimal rail-road container terminal locations on the European network. In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 45, no. 4, p. 551-563 (Juillet 2009). doi:10.1016/j.tre.2008.12.003.
Jourquin, Bart ; Dullaert, Wout ; Witlox, Frank. Fostering transport and logistics research in the Benelux countries. In: Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 30, no. 4, p. 325-329 (2007). doi:10.1080/03081060701461659.
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Rail-Road terminal locations: aggregation errors and best potential locations on large networks. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 7, no. 4, p. 317-334 (2007).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Une procédure d'affectation multi-flux et multimodale appliquée aux réseaux transeuropéens de transport de fret. In: Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, Vol. 52, p. 9-26 (2007).
Jourquin, Bart. A multi-flow multi-modal assignment procedure on large freight transportation networks. In: Studies in Regional Science, Vol. 35 (2006).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Equilibrium Traffic Assignment on Large Virtual Networks, Implementation issues and limits for Multi-Modal Freight Transport. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 6 (2006).
Béra, François ; Coignoul, Freddy ; Descheemaeker, Marianne ; De Schutter, Olivier ; Fierens, Jacques ; Henry de Frahan, Bruno ; Jourquin, Bart ; Kestemont, Patrick ; Larondelle, Yvan ; Lebailly, Philippe ; Mormont, Marc ; Ozer, André ; Ozer, Pierre ; Paul, Roger ; Poncelet, Marc ; Robert, Annie ; von Frenckell, Marianne. Le développement, l'affaire du Nord ?. In: Le Soir, Vol. 30 juin 2006, p. 1-2.
Jourquin, Bart. Mobilité des marchandise demain? Défi pour la Belgique d'aujourd'hui!. In: A l'aube du XXIe siècle: quelles perspectives pour la Belgique, (2005).
Jourquin, Bart. Estimation de l'impact de l'internalisation des coûts externes du trafic de fret interurbain en Belgique. In: Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. 43(2004), p. 77-87 (2004).
Beuthe, Michel ; Geerts, Jean-François ; Degrandsart, François ; Jourquin, Bart. External Costs of the Belgian Interurban Freight Traffic : A Network Analysis of their Internalisation. In: Transportation Research D, Vol. 7, p. 285-301 (2002).
Beuthe, Michel ; Geerts, Jean-François ; Koul à Ndjang'ha, Christian ; Jourquin, Bart. Freight Transportation Demand Elasticities: A Geographic Multimodal Transportation Network Analysis. In: Transportation Research E, Vol. 37, p. 253-266 (2001). doi:10.1016/S1366-5545(00)00022-3.
Jourquin, Bart ; Geerts, Jean-François. Freight Transportation Planning on the European Multimodal Network: the case of the Walloon Region. In: European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, Vol. 1, p. 2001 (2001).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel ; Demilie, Laurent. Impacts on Modal Choice of New Generation Terminals: Performance Analysis of a Hub-and-Spoke Network. In: European Research in Regional Science, Vol. 11 (2001).
Jourquin, Bart ; Demilie, Laurent ; Beuthe, Michel. Freight bundling network models : methodology and application. In: Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 2, p. 157-177 (1999).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. Transportation Policy Analysis with a GIS : The virtual Network of Freight Transportation in Europe. In: Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 4, no. 6, p. 359-371 (1996).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart. Incidences d'une modification du réseau hydraulique sur les transports par voies navigables. In: Bulletin de l'AICPN, no. 83/84, p. 11-14 (1994).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart. L'influence du tour de rôle sur les coûts de la navigation intérieure. In: Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, no. 3, p. 417-427 (1994).
Macharis, Cathy ; Pekin, Ethem ; Caris, An ; Jourquin, Bart. A decision support system for intermodal transport policy, VUBPRESS: Brussels, 2008. 9789054875260.
Jourquin, Bart ; Westin, Kerstin ; Rietveld, Piet. Towards Better Performing Transport Networks, Jourquin B., Rietveld P. and Westin K: New York, USA, 2006. 0415379717. 373 p. p.
Dullaert, Wout ; Jourquin, Bart ; Polak, Jacob B.. Across the border : building upon a quarter century of transport research in the Benelux, De Boeck: Antwerp, 2003. 9045509563.
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. A Decade of Freight Transport Modelling with Virtual Networks: Acquired Experiences and New Challenges. In: A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp, Spatial Dynamics, Networks and Modelling, Edward Elgar, 2006, p. 181-200. 1845424506.
Jourquin, Bart. Criminaliteit, terrorisme en transport : enkele bedenkingen. In: Frank Wiltox (Ed), Garant (Antwerp), Beveiliging in het vrachtvervoer, Mythe, macht of noodzaak, 2006, p. 135-136.
Jourquin, Bart ; Westin, Kerstin ; Rietveld, Piet. Performance of transport networks. In: Jourquin B., Rietveld P., Westin K., Towards Better Performing Transport Networks, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: New York, USA, 2006. 0415379717.
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. Multimodal Freight networks. Analysis with NODUS methodology and applications. In: Dullaert W., B. Jourquin et J.B. Polak, Across the border, building upon a quarter century of transport research in the Benelux, De Boeck: Antwerp, 2003.
Beuthe, Michel ; Geerts, Jean-François ; Degrandsart, François ; Jourquin, Bart. External Costs of the Belgian Interurban Freight Traffic : A Network Analysis of their Internalisation. In: W.R. Black and P. Nijkamp, Social Change and Sustainable Transport. Indiana University Press, 2002. 0253340675.
Jourquin, Bart ; Demilie, Laurent. Chapter 5 : Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, Towards a Quality Leap. In: TRAIL reports in Transportation Planning, Intermodal Freight Transport : Theoretical notions and practical perspectives in Europe, DUP Science, 2001.
Beuthe, Michel ; Charlier, Jean-Emile ; Jourquin, Bart. De la compétitivité des réseaux de transports intermodaux de marchandises en Europe. In: Les transports dans les années 2000 : questions-clés, 2000.
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Demilie, Laurent. The international impacts of a new road tTaxation scheme in Switzerland. In: Laguna, M. ; Gonzalez-Velarde, J.L., New Contributions to Transportation Analysis in Europe, Ashgate Publishing: UK, 1999, p. 97-118. 0754610829.
Beuthe, Michel ; Demilie, Laurent ; Dupuis, Valérie ; Jourquin, Bart. On the crossing of the alpine chain and the Swiss regulation of trucking. In: A. Reggiani, Accessibility, Trade and Locational Behaviour, Ashgate: UK, 1998, p. 313-331. 1-8597-2635-6.
Beuthe, Michel ; Demilie, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart. A sensitivity analysis of transportation modes market shares on a multimodal network : the case of dry bulk transports between Benelux/Germany and Spain. In: P. Rietveld et C. Capineri (eds), Networks in transport and communications : Policy Analysis of Networks (Nectar), Ashgate: UK, 1997, p. 235-252.
Jourquin, Bart. Adding a spatial accessibility measure in the modal choice model for freight transport: an integrated formulation. BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2023 (Leuven, du 01/06/2023 au 02/07/2023). In: Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2023, 2023. ISBN 978-90-82383-31-7 , p. 56-67.
Jourquin, Bart ; Tavasszy, Lori ; Duan, Liwei. On the generalized cost - demand elasticity of intermodal container transport. NECTAR cluster 1 seminar (Liège, du 24/04/2014 au 25/04/2014).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Urbain, Nathalie. Impacts of climate change on transport by inland navigation : a multimodal approach for the Rhine and the Danube. NECTAR 2013 International Conference (Sao Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, du 16/06/2013 au 18/06/2013).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Urbain, Nathalie. Impacts of climate change on transport by inland navigation: a multimodal approach for the Rhine and the Danube. Bivec/Gibet Transport Research Day (Luxembourg, du 30/05/2013 au 31/05/2013).
Piotte, Jérémy ; Jourquin, Bart. An agent based dynamic road freight transport demand generation. European Transport Conference (Glasgow, du 09/10/2011).
Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. Carpooling and employers : a multilevel modelling approach. Bivec-Gibet Transport research day (Brussels, du 29/05/2009).
Limbourg, Sabine ; Jourquin, Bart. Market area of intermodal rail-road container terminals embedded in a hub-and–spoke network. Nectar Cluster 6 seminae (Cagliari, du 16/10/2009au 17/10/2009).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Urbain, Nathalie. Measuring the impacts of weather changes on water depths and transport costs by inland navigation: a multimodal approach for the Rhine corridor. European Transport Conference (Glasgow, du 08/10/2011au 10/10/2012).
De Vlieger, Ina ; Jourquin, Bart ; Mayeres, Inge ; Pietquin, François ; Scrooten, Liesbeth. LIMOBEL – Long run Impacts of policy packages on MObility in BELgium. Bivec-Gibet Transport research day (Brussels, du 27/05/2009).
Jourquin, Bart ; Iassinovskaia, Galina ; lechien, Jonathan ; Usai, Fabio. Lines and services in a regional multi-modal transport model: the case of the regional express network around Brussels. Bivec-Gibet Transport research day (Brussels, du 27/05/2009).
Van Malderen, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Thomas, Isabelle ; Vanoutrive, Thomas ; Verhetsel, Ann ; Witlox, Frank. Mobility policies of the companies located in Belgium : are there sucess stories?. Bivec-Gibet Transport research day (Brussels, du 27/05/2009).
Barthélémy, Johan ; Cornélis, Eric ; Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine ; Piotte, Jérémy. The Didam framework Disaggregated demand and assignment models for combined passengers and freight transport. BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day (Bruxelles, du 27/05/2009).
Jourquin, Bart ; Macharis, Cathy ; Janssens, Gerrit ; Caris, An ; Crepin, Thomas ; Pekin, Ethem. Integrated decision support tool for inland waterways related intermodal transport. NECTAR Logistics and Freight cluster meeting (Delft (The Netherlands), du 2008/03/27 au 2008/03/28).
Jourquin, Bart ; Pinna Puissant, Jorge. Lines and Services in a strategic multi-modal freight network model. NECTAR Logistics and Freight cluster meeting (Delft (The Netherlands), du 2008/03/27 au 2008/03/28).
Jourquin, Bart ; Iassinovskaia, Galina ; Lechien, Jonathan ; Pinna Puissant, Jorge. Lines and services in a strategic multi-modal freight network model : Methodology and application. European Regional Science Association annual congress (Liverpool (UK), du August 2008).
Jourquin, Bart. Lines and services in a strategic multi-modal freight network model : Methodology and application. European Transport Conference (Leiden (The Netherlands), du 6 October 2008 au 8 October 2008).
Jonkeren, Olaf ; Jourquin, Bart ; Rietveld, Piet. Modal split effects on climate change: a study to the effect of low water levels on the competitive position of inland waterway transport in the River Rhine area. NECTAR Logistics and Freight cluster meeting (Delft (The Netherlands), du 2008/03/27 au 2008/03/28).
Jourquin, Bart. Impact of rest periods in road freight transport costs: A network model. ERSA (Paris, France).
Jourquin, Bart. Integration of discontinuity in road freight transport costs: A transportation network model. Nectar Euroconference (Porto, Portugal).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Intermodal freight terminals location : discover the best potential locations on large networks. BIVEC-GIBET Research Day (Rotterdam, The Netherlands).
Jonkeren, Olaf ; Rietveld, Piet ; Jourquin, Bart. Modal split effects of climate change: a study to the effect of low water levels on the competitive position of inland waterway transport. ERSA (Paris, France).
Jonkeren, Olaf ; Rietveld, Piet ; Jourquin, Bart. Modal split effects of climate change: a study to the effect of low water levels on the competitive position of inland waterway transport in the river Rhine area. Synergy Climate Changes Spatial Planning (Driebergen, The Netherlands).
Jourquin, Bart. A multi-flow multi-modal assignment procedure applied to the European freight transportation networks. Nectar cluster 1 seminar (Molde, Norway).
Jourquin, Bart. A multi-flow multi-modal assignment procedure applied to the European freight transportation networks. European Transport Conference 2006 (Strasbourg, France).
Jourquin, Bart. A multi-flow multi-modal assignment procedure on large freight transportation networks. International Symposium and 37th annual conference of the Indian Regional Science Association (Bangalore, Inde).
Jourquin, Bart. Fact and figures on freight flows. An economic paradox?. 27ste Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres (Brussels, Belgium).
Jourquin, Bart. Integration of discontinuity in road freight transport costs : A transportation network model. NECTAR cluster 1 workshop (Menton (France), du 2006/10/13 au 2006/10/14).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Inter-modal freight terminal location in Europe: a strategic model. European Regional Science Association annual meeting (Volos, Grèce).
Jourquin, Bart. Integration of discontinuity in road freight transport costs : A transportation network model. Nectar cluster 1 workshop (Menton, France).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Inter-Modal Terminals for Freight : Dicover the Best Potential Locations. 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (Tomar, Portugal).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Optimal location of inter-modal terminals : Towards a "flow" based solution on large networks. 8th Nectar Euroconference (Las Palmas G.C., Spain).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. A decade of freight transport modeling with Nodus : Acquired experiences and new challenges. TRALOG (Norway).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. A decade of freight transport modeling with Nodus : Acquired experiences and new challenges. WRSAI (Afrique du Sud).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Assignment techniques on Virtual Networks : Deterministic and stochastic approaches on large multi-modal networks. WCTR (Istanbul).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Optimal location of inter-modal terminals : Towards a "flow" based solution on large netw. Nectar Cluster 4 meeting (Lugano, Switzerland).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Assignment techniques on Virtual Networks : Performance considerations on large multi-modal networks. ERSA (Jyväskylä).
Jourquin, Bart ; Limbourg, Sabine. Assignment techniques on Virtual Networks : Performance considerations on large multi-modal networks. NECTAR (UMEA, Sweden).
Jourquin, Bart ; Bourgeois, L.. Distance estimation in a network with obstacles : a methodological note. ORBEL 14 conference (Mons (Belgium), du 20/01/2000 au 21/01/2000).
Geerts, Jean-François ; Jourquin, Bart. Freight Transportation Planning on the European Multimodal Network : the case of the Walloon enclave. NECTAR cluster 2 meeting (Sienna (Italy), du 2000/03/25 au 2000/03/26).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. Multimodal Freight Networks Analysis with NODUS, a Survey of Several Applications. 3rd KFB Research Conference (Stockholm (Sweden), du 2000/06/13 au 2000/06/14).
Jourquin, Bart. Distance estimation in a network with obstacles and other network related stuff. NECTAR cluster 2 meeting (Lille (France), du 1999/04/23 au 1999/04/24).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Degrandsart, François. External Costs of the Belgian Freight Traffic : A Network Analysis of their Internalisation. NECTAR Conference (Delft (The Netherlands), du 1999/10).
Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart ; Degransart, Jean François. External Costs of the Belgian Freight Traffic : A Network Analysis of their Internalisation. ESF/NSF Conference on Social Change and Sustainable Transport (University of Berkeley,USA, du 1999/03/10 au 1999/03/13).
Jourquin, Bart. Freight Transportation Networks, general presentation of the Nodus software at the Socio-Economic Analysis and Geographic Information conference. EURESCO, European Science Foundation (Espinho (Portugal), du 1999/05/22 au 1999/05/27).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel ; Koul A Ndjang'ha, Christian. Intermodality and Substitution of Modes for Freight Transportation : Computation of Price-Elasticities through a Geographic Multimodal Transportation Network Analysis. 39th European congress of the Regional Science Association (ERSA99) (Dublin (Ireland), du 1999/08/23 au 1999/08/27).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel ; Geerts, Jean François ; Koul A Ndjang'ha, Christian. Intermodality and Substitution of Modes for Freight Transportation : Computation of Price-Elasticities through a Geographic Multimodal Transportation Network Analysis. NECTAR Conference (Delft (The Netherlands), du 1999/10).
Jourquin, Bart. Multimodal Freight Networks Analysis with Nodus, a survey of several applications. Internation seminar on European Maritime Transport: Trend Analysis and Forecast Models (CETENA) (Genova (Italy), du 1999/09/21).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel ; Meurisse, Benoit. Elasticity Estimations of Freight Transportation Mode Choice with a Network Model : the Belgian case (first results). NECTAR cluster 2 meeting (Mogliano Veneto (Italy), du 1998/10/23 au 1998/10/24).
Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel ; Demilie, Laurent. Freight Bundling Network Models : Methodology and Application. World Conference of Transportation Research (Antwerp (Belgium), du 1998/07).
Demilie, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. Impacts on Modal Choice of New Generation Terminals : Performance Analysis of a Hub-and-Spoke Network. European Regional Science Association (annual meeting) (Vienna (Austria), du 1998/08).
Jourquin, Bart ; Wiegemans, B ; Janic, M. The Economic Potential of New Generation Freight Terminals. 4th NECTAR Euroconference (Tel aviv (Isreal), du 1998/04).
Demilie, Laurent ; Beuthe, Michel ; Jourquin, Bart. The International Impacts of a New Road Taxation Scheme in Switzerland. COST 328 Research Action final seminar (Bilbao (Portugal), du 1998/04/02 au 1998/04/03).
Jourquin, Bart. Freight Bundling Network Models : a methodological note. NECTAR cluster 2 meeting (Odense (Denmark), du 1997/10).
Demilie, Laurent ; Jourquin, Bart ; Beuthe, Michel. A Sensitivity Analysis of Transportation Modes Market Shares on a Multimodal Network : The Case of Dry Bulk Transports between Benelux/Germany and Spain. 5th Congress of the RSAI (Tokyo (Japan), du 1996/05/02 au 1996/05/06).
Jourquin, Bart ; Demilie, Laurent ; Beuthe, Michel. Impact of Transportation Cost Variations on the Relative Market Shares for Different Transportation Modes : A Network Model. Proceedings of the 31th Congress of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum (Winnipeg (Canada), du 1996/05).
Jourquin, Bart. Estimations de fonctions de demande pour les différents modes de transport par un modèle de réseau. Une approche multi-modale et multi-produits. Proceedings of the PIANC-PCDC 3rd seminar (du 1995/11).
Jourquin, Bart. Un outil d'analyse économique des transports de marchandises sur des réseaux multi-modaux et multi-produits: le réseau virtuel, concept, méthodes et applications, prom. : Delattre, Michel ; Beuthe, Michel, 1996.
Jourquin, Bart. Integrate an accessibility measure in the modal choice of strategic freight transport models (LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE; 2021/31), 2021. 20 p.
Jourquin, Bart. Mode choice in strategic freight transportation models A constrained Box-Cox meta-heuristic for multivariate utility functions (preliminary version), 2021. 12 p.
Beuthe, Michel ; Degransart, F ; Geerts, Jean François ; Jourquin, Bart. External Costs of the Belgian Interurban Freight Traffic : A Network Analysis of their Internalisation, 2000.
Gérard, Marcel ; Jourquin, Bart. Etude de restructuration des réseaux de transport vicinaux et urbains dans les agglomérations de Mons-Borinage et de La Louvière, Ministrère de l'Equipement et des Transports de la Région Wallonne, Septembre 1993, 1993.