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- Samuel Lepoittevin
Samuel Lepoittevin
Aspirant FNRS
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Keymolen, Gaétane ; Andres, Michael ; Visscher, Alice De. Arabic digit processing in adults with mathematical learning disability. In: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, , p. 174702182211284 (2022). doi:10.1177/17470218221128498.
Bombois, Stéphanie ; Debette, Stéphanie ; Delbeuck, Xavier ; Bruandet, Amélie ; Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Delmaire, Christine ; Leys, Didier ; Pasquier, Florence. Prevalence of Subcortical Vascular Lesions and Association With Executive Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment Subtypes. In: Stroke, Vol. 38, no.9, p. 2595-2597 (2007). doi:10.1161/strokeaha.107.486407.
Debette, Stéphanie ; Bombois, Stéphanie ; Bruandet, Amélie ; Delbeuck, Xavier ; Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Delmaire, Christine ; Leys, Didier ; Pasquier, Florence. Subcortical Hyperintensities Are Associated With Cognitive Decline in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment. In: Stroke, Vol. 38, no.11, p. 2924-2930 (2007). doi:10.1161/strokeaha.107.488403.
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Masson, Nicolas ; Andres, Michael. A study of processing load in single-digit number comparison. Cognition and Action Spring workshop 2024 (Brussels (Belgium), du 24/04/2024 au 25/04/2024).
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Gerin, Sylvain ; Masson, Nicolas ; Andres, Michael. Arousal-related pupil dilation during number comparison. Dutch Pupillometry Symposium (Utrecht, 21/03/2024).
Gerin, Sylvain ; Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Vannuscorps, Gilles ; Andres, Michael ; Masson, Nicolas. Covert attention shifts induced by serial position in working memory. Dutch Pupillometry Symposium (Utrecht, 21/03/2024).
Gerin, Sylvain ; Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Vannuscorps, Gilles ; Andres, Michael ; Masson, Nicolas. Modulation of pupil light response by serial position of items retrieved from verbal working memory. Relations between space, language, and numbers (Tübingen, du 10/04/2024 au 12/04/2024).
Andres, Michael ; Masson, Nicolas ; Lepoittevin, Samuel. Automatic processing of Arabic digits in dyscalculia. Advances in Numerical Cognition Research (Louvain-la-Neuve, 22/05/2023).
Andres, Michael ; Masson, Nicolas ; Lepoittevin, Samuel. Difficulties in the ability to process symbolic numbers : where do they come from ?. Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (Loughborough, du 06/06/2023 au 09/06/2023).
Gerin, Sylvain ; Andres, Michael ; Lepoittevin, Samuel. Discrete rather than continuous division of the hand space. Annual meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences (Mons, 26/05/2023).
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Andres, Michael ; De Visscher, Alice. Presemantic and semantic processing of digits in adults with developmental dyscalculia.. Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (Loughborough, UK, du 06/06/2023 au 08/06/2023).
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Badets, Arnaud ; Pesenti, Mauro ; Andres, Michael. An exploratory study of the instrumental use of finger counting in adults. Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (Antwerp, Belgium, du 01/06/2022 au 03/06/2022).
Andres, Michael ; Aschauer, Kathrin ; Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Geers, Laurie ; Vannuscorps, Gilles. Distinct influence of posture on implicit maps of fingers and toes. 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Lille, du 29/08/2022 au 01/09/2022).
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; De Visscher, Alice. Arabic digit processing in adults with mathematical learning disability. Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS) (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, du 27/05/2021 au 28/05/2021).
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; De Visscher, Alice. Visual recognition and semantical processing of digits in adults with mathematical learning disability. NEUROCOG2021 cognitive neuroscience workshop (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, du 23/11/2021 au 24/11/2021).
Lepoittevin, Samuel ; Delbeuck, Xavier ; Moroni, Christine ; Debachy, Brigitte ; Pasquier, Florence ; Van Der Linden, Martial. Fluence d’Action et Maladie d’Alzheimer. Réunion d’hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (Paris, France).