Archives for ELI


Défense de thèse

Climatic and lithological control on soil development in...

Soils play a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. However, these vital resources are threatened, leading to significant degradation. This thesis aims to deepen our understanding of soil formation, weathering, and erosion processes over timescales ranging from 10³ to 10⁵ years, focusing on...
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Défense de thèse

Impact humain sur le flux des sédiments dans la région...

Dans la région du lac Kivu (RLK), la conservation des sols est confrontée à des défis liés à l’explosion démographique, à la déforestation, à l’érosion des sols, aux inondations et à l’accès limité aux ressources de sols. Avec une densité moyenne de 160 habitants par kilomètre carré, la RLK est...
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ELIV seminaire

When there is a light that never goes out: Impact of...

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Défense de thèse

Effectiveness of conservation cropping practices in...

Soils of the Western European loess belt are intensively cultivated and particularly prone to runoff and soil erosion. Besides threatening soil resources, overland flows cause muddy floods that damage infrastructure downstream and pollute water bodies by transferring nutrients and pesticides....
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ELIE seminar

Whose plastic is that? Combining oceanographic modelling...

The world's ocean currents can transport material like plastic over vast scales, connecting waste generated on one continent to impacts on another. Yet, it seems most plastic pollution found at any particular location is relatively local, often originating from within the same country. Effective...
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