Archives for ELI


Elic seminar

Peat soil thickness and carbon storage in the Belgian...

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Défense de thèse

Insights into the environmental dimension of antibiotic...

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ELIV seminaire

Using citizen science data to inform the question of...

The "Farmland Bird Index" is widely used as a proxy to assess the biodiversity status of agricultural landscapes in Europe. This official indicator is calculated from long-term breeding birds monitoring data, collected by dedicated volunteer birdwatchers. In Wallonia, this monitoring scheme is...
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Elic seminar

Recent enhanced drought in monsoonal Asia and Europe -...

Recent widespread and frequent droughts have had devastating ecological and economic consequences over monsoonal Asia and the Europe, but the severity and cause of these extremes remain unclear. Tree-ring oxygen isotope (δ18O) has been widely used in reconstructing continuous, high-resolution...
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ELIE seminar

Introducing Sar-Based Annual Index to Provide Robust...

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