Archives for LOURIM

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Research Seminar: Le management par le care n'est-il...

Le Management par le Care est-il seulement un Management de Crise(s) ? Conceptualiser le management par le Care à partir d'une recherche sur les managers des secteurs sanitaires et médico-social. Caroline Ruiller (Université de Rennes), Christelle Routelous (Ecole des...
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Research seminar: Handle with care! Unveiling the tricky...

Despite substantial growth over the past three decades, coaching as a learning and developmental intervention remains marked by numerous inconsistencies, often leaving practitioners perplexed. This ambiguity is particularly pronounced in the realm of care within coaching, a pivotal yet often...
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Research seminar: Le changement climatique comme un...

Le changement climatique impose des actions urgentes, mais celles-ci ont un coût souvent élevé et la répartition de ce coût suscite des débats complexes. Alors que le GIEC a depuis longtemps souligné que le réchauffement climatique affecte davantage les populations les plus vulnérables,...
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Research Seminar: On the embodied origins of product and...

Since the introduction of the embodied cognition framework in cognitive linguistics and social psychology, a large body of research has demonstrated linkages between everyday bodily experiences and evaluations of products, brands, and environmental settings. Based on recent findings from his...
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Negotiation game around Sustainable development

Join us for an exclusive negotiations workshop featuring our brand-new serious board-game Pactopolis: Where Victory Meets Sustainability The workshop will be facilitated by experts on gamification and negotiation.   About the workshop...
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