

Students interested in carrying out part of their training or an internship in another country have several possibilities:

ERASMUS exchanges

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Internships outside Europe: students can carry out internships in countries outside the EU.

  • In a developing country: students interested in an experience in a developing country can, after agreement with a teacher from the faculty and under his/her academic responsibility, carry out a 1-month internship in a developing country (1-month optional internship in Bac 1 or Master's degree) with which the teacher maintains collaborations. This internship can be financed by a grant from ARES-CCD ( or by a grant from the School of Pharmacy. Internships are possible in Benin, Vietnam, Madagascar or Peru.
  • In other countries (Switzerland, France, Canada,...): internship in a hospital after agreement of a teacher of the faculty and under his academic responsibility.
  • Selection of candidates

Students are selected on the basis of their academic background, their motivation and knowledge of the language of the country in which they want to do their internship or follow courses.

When can the student leave?

  • For courses: in block 3 of the FARM baccalaureate, 3 to 6 months preferably at the end of the course.
  • For internships : Erasmus: in the second block of the FARM Master's degree for internships in pharmacies/hospitals.
  • in developing countries: in the 3rd block of the FARM baccalaureate (1 month's optional internship) or block 1 of the FARM master's (1 month's optional internship)
  • outside the EU: in a master's degree or specialization master's degree (hospital) FARM