News for lourim

LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Social Entrepreneurship and Bricolage

Edited by Alain Fayolle, Frank Janssen, Séverine Le Loarne-Lemaire, Adnane Maalaoui This book provides new insights into how the concept of bricolage is used to foster research on social entrepreneurship. The contributors assess the relevance of the concept from a theoretical point of...
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Best Paper Award for Jean Vanderdonckt at HUCAPP' 2019

  Congratulations to Jean VANDERDONCKT (LouRIM) for winning the Best Paper Award at HUCAPP' 2019 !
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Géraldine ZEIMERS presented her research about CSR...

  Géraldine ZEIMERS spoke about CSR implementation in sport federations at UGent.    CSR symposium (Dutch title : Symposium CSR in en door sport) Sport is believed to create positive economic, cultural, health and social values. At the same time, it faces...
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UsiXML - A meta-language for user interfaces in multiple...

ITEA Success story  UsiXML   Prof. Jean VANDERDONCKT (UCLouvain/LouRIM) has been involved in this project for almost 4 years.  This led to a recommandation for the W3C :  A meta-language for user interfaces in multiple contexts of use The...
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Poste de Professeur en Marketing et Commerce...

  Offre pour un poste de Professeur(e) en Marketing et Commerce international vacant à l’Université du Littoral.   Les candidatures se font uniquement par l’application web Galaxie du Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation :...
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