7 décembre 2022 | M.-E. García-Peláez (Universidad Panamericana, Mexico) — Les figures féminines dans le corpus aristotelicum

décembre 07, 2022


Les figures féminines dans le corpus aristotelicum. Dans le cadre des Midis de l'Antiquité

Bref résumé de la communication

The Aristotelian approach to the feminine in general and to women in particular is problematic. Despite the absence of a systematic theory on the subject, it is possible to give an account of what Aristotle thought about women by gathering some ideas that appear mainly in the biological works, in the Politics, or in the Metaphysics. Different interpretations result from various reconstructions. Some of them aim to a critical presentation of Aristotle’s position towards the feminine, others try to explain his arguments or ideas without judging, while others even intend to justify them. In this talk, I propose to contribute to this controversial debate through a different method: rather than present the general and abstract ideas regarding women I will, instead, focus on the particular and concrete mentions of determinate women along the corpus aristotelicum. This includes: anonymous working women as well as specified or named authors, historical figures and literary or mythological characters.  

Tout le monde bienvenu – Everyone welcome

L’inscription préalable à l’évènement est souhaitée via le lien suivant : https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/incal/cema/les-midis-de-l-antiquite-s-inscrire-a-la-conference-extra-ordinaire.html

Mercredi 7 décembre 2022, 13:00-14:00

Salle Ladrière | Collège Mercier

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