Limited enrolment courses are subject to quotas. This quota system applies to applicants who do not live in Belgium and are enrolling for the first time at UCLouvain.
Enrolment is limited in the following courses:
- psychology and education, speech therapy track (LOGO11BA);
- physical therapy and rehabilitation (KINE11BA);
- veterinary medicine (VETE11BA).
Note: This quota also applies to medical and dental studies, but is integrated via the competitive entrance exam organized by ARES (MD11BA and DENT11BA). |
What are the quotas for these courses?
The number of non-resident students is limited to 30% of the total number of students enrolled for the previous academic year, except in veterinary medicine, where the limit is 20%.
When the number of applications submitted exceeds the number of places available, a random drawing is held under the supervision of a bailiff. Drawn applications deemed incomplete or not eligible for funding will be declared inadmissible.
What were the numbers of available places for the 2024-25 academic year?
You will find below the number of places available for non-resident applicants, as well as the number of applications submitted for the 2023-2024 academic year:
- psychology and education, speech therapy track: 18 places for 2024-25 (number of applications: 31);
- physical therapy and rehabilitation: 117 places for 2024-25 (number of applications: 288);
- veterinary science: 21 places for 2024-25 (number of applications: 115).
Am I a resident student?
There are several categories of resident student. They are listed on this page. If you are a resident student, you are not affected by the random drawing, but must attach the duly completed and signed "Annex 2" form (document available in French only) to your enrolment application.
What are the application procedures for resident applicants?
Applicants living in Belgium are not subject to the quota but must enclose this completed form (document available in French only) with your application.
Submit your enrolment application online.
How do non-resident applicants apply?
Non-resident applicants must submit their application online. Applications can only be confirmed during the following period:
From Tuesday 20 August at 9am to Thursday 22 August at 4pm.
The complete application must be submitted online during the period indicated above. Any application submitted cannot be modified or deleted.
Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt including your application number for the random drawing.
Note: It is strictly forbidden to submit more than one application for the random drawing. However, following a change in legislation for the 2023-24 academic year, it is now possible for a non-resident student to both register for the medicine/dentistry competitive exam and submit an application for the drawing of one of the other limited enrolment courses (veterinary medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, speech therapy).
For example, it's possible to apply to speech therapy and medical sciences, but not to veterinary sciences and speech therapy.
Reminder of eligibility requirements and application dossier contents
Our services are not authorised to give you any information about the constitution or admissibility of your application.
For all secondary school diplomas obtained abroad, you must provide a valid equivalency decision issued by the CFWB, to be included when submitting your application. For diplomas from a European Union country, complete proof that your application was sent to the equivalency service by registered mail AND of payment may suffice.
For applicants with a nationality outside the European Union and who do not meet Belgian student status criteria, eligibility for a bachelor’s course is subject to two conditions:
- you hold a secondary school diploma obtained in the three years preceding the year of application;
- you do not hold a bachelor’s diploma.
For applicants with a secondary school diploma from a country outside the European Union, a minimum average of 13/20 is required. Otherwise, you must have successfully completed one year of study in Belgium.
Random drawing result
The results are published on the campus of each French Community of Belgium university on 2 September 2024. You will thus receive notice of your application having been either:
- accepted;
- denied; or
- not selected for consideration.
If your application is accepted
You will receive a personalised notification by email specifying the enrolment procedures and the deadline for continuing and confirming your enrolment.
The places of accepted applicants whose enrolment has not been confirmed by the deadline will be redistributed according to their ranking.
If your application is denied
If your denied application is subsequently reconsidered
If accepted applicants do not meet the deadline for confirming their enrolment, their places will be reallocated to the highest ranking applicants among those who were initially denied. Such applicants will be contacted by telephone between 6 and 9 September.
Information and forms
These documents are only available in French.
Annex 1: Decree of 16 June 2006 regulating the number of students in certain bachelor’s courses.
Annex 2: "Resident" enrolment application form
Annex 3: “Non-resident” enrolment application form
Annex 5: Procedure for admission beyond the first 60 credits of the bachelor’s course for students covered by the decree of 16 June 2006 (with the exception of veterinary medicine).
Annex 5 bis: Admission application form beyond the first 60 credits of the bachelor’s course for students covered by the decree of 16 June 2006 (with the exception of veterinary medicine).