Journal Articles
1. Arslan-Ayaydin, Özgür; Chen, Shimin; Ni, Serene Xu; Thewissen, James.
Is cross-listing a panacea for improving earnings quality? The case of H- and B-share firms in China. In:
International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 81, p. 102113 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2022.102113 (Accepté/Sous presse).
2. Yan, Beibei; Aerts, Walter; Thewissen, James.
The informativeness of impression management − financial analysts and rhetorical style of CEO letters. In:
Pacific Accounting Review, Vol. 31, no.3, p. 462-496 (2019). doi:10.1108/par-09-2017-0063.
3. Petitjean, Mikael.
What explains the success of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns as they unfold? Evidence from the French crowdfunding platform KissKissBankBank. In:
Finance Research Letters, Vol. 26, p. 9-14 (2018). doi:10.1016/
4. James Thewissen; Wouter Torsin; Kris Boudt.
When does the tone of earnings press releases matter?. In:
International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 57, no.2, p. 231-245 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2018.02.002.
5. Boullenger, Victor; Petitjean, Mikael; Daguet, Patrick.
Capital-risque et performance à court terme de l’entreprise après introduction en bourse. In:
Forum financier : revue bancaire et financière, Vol. 6, no.5, p. 1-14.
Working Papers
1. Christophe Desagre; Catherine D'Hondt.
Googlization and retail investors' trading activity. 2019. 39 p. LFIN Working Paper 2020/04.
2. Petitjean, Mikael.
What explains the success of reward-based crowdfunding campaigns as they unfold?. 2018. 8 p. xxx xxx.
1. Thewissen, James; Özgür Arslan-Ayaydin; André Dorsman.
Regulations in the energy industry : financial, economic and legal implications. 2020. 9783030322953.pages.