Thesis Award 2011

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2011 was conferred to Frédéric CREVECOEUR for his thesis entitled "The Gravitational Forces as Fundamental Input for Sensorimotor Coordination". The thesis promotors are Prof. Philippe Lefèvre (ICTEAM) and Prof. Jean-Louis Thonnard (IoNS).

The winner of the award was announced at the « First ICTEAM Young Researchers' Day » which took place on May 31, 2011. Michel Gevers, president of the selection committee, delivered a very witty speech explaining how the jury proceeded to select the best thesis among all applications.

Mostafa EMAM's thesis, entitled "Wide Band and Noise Characterization of Various Mosfets for Optimized Use in RF Circuits" was nominated (Promotors : Prof. D. Vanhoenacker (ICTEAM) and Prof. F. Danneville (Univ. de Lille 1))

The members of the selection committee were G. Avoine, D. Flandre, M. Gevers (president), P. Kinget, C. De Vleeschouwer and P. Van Dooren.        


Published on June 01, 2011