Thesis Award 2014

The ICTEAM Thesis Award 2014 was conferred ex aequo to Julien DE VOS for his thesis entitled "Switched-Capacitor DC/DC Converters in Nanometer CMOS Technologies for Micro-Power Energy Management" (supervisor : Denis Flandre) and to Olivier DEVOLDER for his thesis entitled "Exactness, Inexactness and Stochasticity in First-order Methods for Large-scale Convex Optimization" (supervisors : F. Glineur and Y. Nesterov)

The ICTEAM Thesis Award, which consists of an amount of 2000 €, is granted yearly to the best doctoral thesis that was publicly defended in the course of the previous civil year and for which at least one of the co-directors is officially a member of ICTEAM.

The award was granted during the Young Researchers’Day (May 19, 2014).

Axel van Lamsweerde, chair of the selection committee, gave the audience detailed explanations on how and why the jury decided to confer the award ex aequo to what he called "a most delicious orange and a most delicious apple".

The members of the selection committee were Axel van Lamsweerde (chair), P-A Absil, O. Bonaventure, C. Craeye, C. De Vleeschouwer, I. Huynen and P. Lefèvre. 

Published on June 01, 2014