2020-2021: research in times of Covid
ilc | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
Launch of collective projects in 2020-2021
TEMPLATE - Technology-Mediated Plurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education
The TEMPLATE project aims at strengthening the professional competence profile of pre- and in-service teachers who want to fully implement the recommendations of the Council of Europe for the use of plurilingual approaches in (foreign) language education.The main target group of the project are teachers involved in FL teaching, CLIL activities and project-based learning. They will be involved in a training that integrates the pedagogical aspects with the content knowledge and the digital tools (TPACK model) that might be effectively applied in class in an innovative framework that will set the bar high in terms of innovative practices and teacher training programmes across Europe
- Prom. : Fanny Meunier - Ch. : Amélie Bulon - Entité : PLIN/TEAMM
- Funding sources : Fonds publics européens / Erasmus
- Duration: from September 1st to August 31st 2023
E-LEARNESCENE - Learning scenarios to support inclusive language and culture education for heterogeneous school classes
The present project aims to use the expertise of an international consortium in the field of German as a foreign and official language to develop, implement and evaluate learning scenarios that provide in-service and pre-service teachers with pedagogical support for collaborative and learner-centered teaching in present-day heterogeneous classes. Joining expertise in a transnational consortium of this kind will make an essential contribution to the national curricula involved (in particular to the systematic improvement of their teaching quality) and will thus meet the special needs of German in the different countries.
- Prom. : Ferran Suner - Ch. : Françoise Gallez et Isabelle Godefridi - Entity: PLIN/TEAMM
- Funding sources : Fonds publics européens / Erasmus
- Duration: Fromt 1th September 2020 to August 31st 2023
Cobra - Conversational Brains
The purpose of the COBRA network is to train the next generation of researchers to accurately characterize and model the linguistic, cognitive and brain mechanisms that allow conversation to unfold in both human-human and human-machine interactions.
The network includes world-level academic research centers on language, cognition and the human brain as well as 4 non-academic partners that include fast-developing SMEs and one world-level company. The partners’ both unique combined expertise and high complementarity will allow COBRA to offer early-stage researchers (ESRs) an excellent training programme as well as very strong exposure to the non-academic sector.
Site web : https://www.cobra-network.eu
- Prom. : Liesbeth Degand : Mercedes Villalobos Cardozo et Junfei Hu - Entité : PLIN/VALIBEL
- Funding sources : Fonds publics européen / H2020 Marie Curie ITN
- Duration : from October 1st 2020 to Septemer 30th 2023
Discourse, populism and democracy. Tracking the uses of populism in media and political discourse
In order to understand how the construction of this category of populism contributes to shaping our collective imagination of democracy, TrUMPo seeks to understand in which contexts and situations this notion is used, which meaning it conveys in actual discursive practices, and how it circulates in the public debate. As a result, the topic will be studied from a threefold perspective: political science, communication studies and linguistics.
- Prom. : Barbara De Cock, Philippe Hambye et Sandrine Roginsky - Ch. Raül Nuevo Gascó et Nadezda Shchinova - Entité : PCOM/RECOM et PLIN/VALIBEL
- Funding sources : Communauté française / Action de recherche concertée (ARC)
- Duration : from October 1st 2020 to Septemer 30th 2024
202CM - Overcoming Obstacles and Disincentives to climate change mitigation : a cross-cutting approach by human and social sciences
This research project has the transformative aim to improve the scientific understanding of why societies remain indifferent to the risks of climate change, and to understand how multimodal devices and recommendations can convert apathy into action. We investigate the active and essential role of language,
narrative, and discourses in shaping citizens’ beliefs and actions, through the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaboration between linguistics, semiotics, law and governance, anthropology, and social psychological approaches.
- Prom. : Andrea Catellani et Louise-Amélie Cougnon - Ch. : Andrea Pizarro Pedraza et Yuliya Samofalova - Entité : PCOM/RECOM et MIIL
- Funding sources : JPI Climate (réseau international européen) - Belspo
- Duration: from December 1st 2020 to March 1st 2024
Research in times of Covid
What information within organizations?
What state of mind are you currently in? https://lnkd.in/dMyxdew
Tell us about your experience and your needs by participating in this survey conducted by UCLouvain - Université catholique de Louvain and moodfactory.be on well-being, commitment and communication within Belgian organisations.
Completing this questionnaire will take you approximately 10-15 minutes. It is anonymous and at no time will the name of your organization be requested.
Feel free to share this survey around you! We thank you in advance for your participation, which will be of great help to us.
Communication and citizen participation in the fight against the pandemic
The Covid-19 epidemic and its management by the government is an exceptional event. If the epidemic mobilizes the entire medical sector as well as the community of epidemiologists, a significant part of the measures taken (confinement, social distancing, etc.) are social measures. The management of the epidemic therefore depends greatly on the participation and commitment of all citizens.
The main objective of this interdisciplinary study (communication, psychology, political science) conducted by researchers from UCLouvain is to understand the role and impact of communication and information in the management of the epidemic because a Optimal communication is necessary to promote everyone's participation. Our study therefore aims to analyze the various informational, communicational and psychological elements that influence the perception and commitment of individuals in the management of the Covid-19 epidemic.
This study will help to understand:
- the differences in perception of Covid-19 between different social groups (young people vs. the elderly, health professionals vs general public, city vs countryside, etc.);
- the different variables that can impact the perception of Covid-19 and the epidemic within different social groups;
- the ways in which different types of people (eg young people vs. old people) learn about and judge the reliability of different sources of information about the epidemic;
- the links between level of anxiety and perception of the disease;
- the impact of fake news and social networks on protective behavior against Covid-19 and the fight against the epidemic.
This study will include two waves of questions: a first wave, launched this week, and a second wave, launched in three weeks, simultaneously in 7 countries.
This study is therefore part of an international project coordinated by the University of Sherbrooke in Canada, which has obtained a major grant from the Canadian government which will allow them, for two years, to analyze communication and media coverage of Covid-19.
The objective of this international study is to compare the effectiveness of the different communication strategies of the authorities (government, experts and international organizations) towards the general public by comparing the experiences of the different countries. This comparison will make it possible to identify the most effective communication strategies to be implemented to fight the Covid-19 epidemic, but also to develop effective strategies that could be implemented to fight against other epidemics in the world. future.
For this study, we are distributing a questionnaire this week that takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. For this research to be useful, we need as many people in Brussels and Wallonia as possible to answer it this week.
The study is available at the following address:
This research is coordinated by Prof. Grégoire Lits and dr. Louise-Amélie Cougnon, Catholic University of Louvain, Language and Communication Institute, Belgium.
In collaboration with prof. Alexandre Heeren (UCLouvain, IPSY/IONS and FNRS qualified researcher) and prof. Bernard Hanseeuw (UCLouvain, MEDE/IONS).
Contact : gregoire.lits@uclouvain.be
Solidarity Covid19 and Francophonie
Covid19: La Francophonie mobilizes by supporting innovation and digital creativity
On March 31, the OIF (International Organization of La Francophonie) set up a system to help digital talents in the French-speaking world to unite and create innovative solutions to serve their communities.
The first stages of the project will be devoted to the development of the community of innovators and the promotion of impactful projects. All the information will be analyzed by a team from UCLouvain University (Wallonia-Brussels), a partner in the project, so as to enable the development of a catalog of solutions which will be accessible on the website of the International Organization for Francophonie. The most promising and useful projects will be supported by the OIF. The ultimate goal is to propose concrete solutions to serve Francophone communities.
More information
Media consumption in times of Covid
Since the start of the Covid crisis, what have been the uses of the media?
Has consumption changed compared to the "time before", that is to say before March 2020?
Have public perceptions of the media changed since Covid?
And what are the opinions of the public on the information then transmitted by the media. These are the questions that this survey, organized on the basis of an online questionnaire, aims to help answer.
This one, which takes about fifteen minutes to complete, is available at: