Science popularization
ilc | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
Seminar 2018-2019
During the year 2018, the Language and Communication Institute started a cycle of seminars around the notion of "scientific popularization".
The cycle had two objectives:
- clarify the concept of "popularization" through different questions (which audience? according to which transformation processes? via which formats?...)
- rub shoulders with the practice of popularization by inviting the institute's researchers to produce a popularized "product" at the start of one of their research projects.
To achieve these two objectives, the seminars welcomed various internal and external experts at UCL; in addition, logistical support for the production of popularization tools will be offered in order to encourage researchers to carry out a popularized mini-review of internal research activities at the ILC.
Program of the cycle of seminars 2018-2019 (French version only)