Chairs & prizes


The Higher Institute of Philosophy awards one chair (Cardinal Mercier) and two prizes (Mercier and Dopp).

Cardinal Mercier Chair

Awarded annually, the Cardinal Mercier Chair aims to erect  "a living monument for the cardinal, a monument animated by the very thought of Mercier and designed to contribute to the achievement of his main purpose: to ensure for his Institute ever more effective contacts with the philosophical research being carried out in the world". In this perspective, the Cardinal Mercier Chair welcomes an internationally renowned philosopher each year. Their lessons are part of the Master's program in philosophy.


Mercier Prize

The Higher institute of Philosophy of UCLouvain and the Hoger Instituut Voor Wijsbegeerte (HIW) of KU Leuven award an annual prize entitled the Mercier Prize. The prize is awarded in odd years for work in ontology, metaphysics or first philosophy.

►► Ongoing call


Dopp Prize

The Higher institute of philosophy has been awarding the Dopp Prize every year since 1985. The prize is awarded for a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation in philosophy submitted by a student of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters. The Dopp Prize is awarded annually, two years in succession for a Master's thesis and in the third year for a doctoral dissertation.