The Philosophical Society of Louvain


The Société philosophique de Louvain is a scholarly society hosted by the Higher Institute of Philosophy at UCLouvain, with its presidency, office, and secretariat located within the Institute.

Each year, the Société Philosophique de Louvain organizes a series of conferences. Information about upcoming conferences can be found in the ISP events calendar and on this page.
Since the 2020-2021 academic year, video recordings of the lectures have been available on the Institute's YouTube channel.

President: Axel Gosseries
Board members: Danielle Lories
, Florian Marion & Benoît Thirion
Contact :

Conferences 2023-2024

Organization: Pierre Destrée


Jean-Marc Narbonne (ULaval)

Protagoras et la démocratie : quelques remarques à propos d’un héritage oblitéré

Respondent: Marc-Antoine Gavray (ULiège)


Anna Marmodoro (Durham University)

No thing can be another. What then?

Respondent: Florian Marion (UCLouvain)


Isabelle Drouet (Université Sorbonne Université) and Marion Vorms (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) 

Les sciences au tribunal. Quelques éléments de réflexion philosophique sur le cas du Mediator


Joan Tronto (University of Minnesota)

The Revolutionary Potential of Caring Democracy

Répondante: Nathalie Frogneux (UCLouvain)


Mark Hunyadi (UCLouvain)

L'esprit humain, bien commun de l'humanité?