Peer-reviewed conferences



Bruneau V., Swaen V., and Zidda P. (2016, May), Enhancing customer participation in loyalty programs. European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016 EMAC, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.

Bruneau V., Zidda P., Swaen V., (2016, May), Vos clients sont-ils engagés? Mesure de l'engagement des clients envers les programmes de fidélité. Congress of l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM). Lyon France.

Cambier F. (2016, July). Communicating customer empowerment strategies to non-participants: An investigation of the mechanisms and conditions impacting the affective reactions toward the brand and the brand relationship. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress. Paris, France.

• Du S., Swaen V., and Janssen C. (2016, May) CSR communication and greenwashing: The roles of ethical labels, prior CSR record, and consumers’ dispositional skepticism. European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016 EMAC, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.

• Janssen C., Swaen V., and Munten P. (2016, July). Using infomercials to communicate about CSR: A way to enhance credibility? Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress. Paris, France.

• Janssen C., Swaen V., and Munten P. (2016, May), Enhancing credibility of CSR communication by using infomercials. European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016 EMAC, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.

Leclercq T., Poncin I., and Hammedi W.. (2016, July). Exploration of Engagement Mechanics during the Value Co-Creation Process: The Case of Gamification in a New Product Development Platform. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress. Paris, France.

• Hammedi W., Leclercq T., and van Riel A.. (2016, July). The use of Gamification mechanics to increase user and employee engagement in participative healthcare services: A study of two cases. European Institute Of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS), 2016 EIRASS 23th International conference. Edinburgh, Scotland.

• Leclercq, T., Poncin, I., and Hammedi, W. (2016, May). Exploration of Engagement Mechanics during the Value Co-Creation Process: The Case of Gamification in a New Product Development Platform. Congress of Association Française du Marketing (AFM). Lyon France.

Swaen V., Demoulin N., and Pauwels-Delassus V. (2016, July). Corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility: How do consumers react to ambivalent CSR information? Application in the retailing sector. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress. Paris, France.

Swaen V., Janssen C. and Du S. (2016, July). On the effectiveness of CSR communication: The roles of ethical labels, prior CSR record, and consumer skepticism. Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress. Paris, France.

Swaen V., Demoulin N., and Pauwels-Delassus V. (2016, May), How do consumers react to corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility in the retailing sector? European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016 EMAC, Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway.

Swaen, V. (2016, April). CSR communication and Greenwashing: The Roles of Ethical Labels, Prior CSR Record, and Consumers' Dispositional Skepticism. International Marketing Ethics and Corporate social Responsibility: An Academic Symposium. Lille, France.


• De Roeck, K., El Akremi, A., and Swaen, V. (2015, August). Integrating Social Identity and Justice Perspectives to Explain Employees' Responses to CSR. 2015 Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver, Canada.

• Dupont B., Swaen V., and Vanhamme J. (2015, May). Labelling the durability of a product through the lense of intertemporal choices theory, presentation in the Special Interest Group on The CSR paradox: Factors that hinder or enhance consumers’ socially responsible behaviour. 44th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference. Leuven, Belgium.

Ehnert, I., Gond, J-P., and Swaen, V. (2015, August). Reconsidering HR roles in the light of sustainability: rebalancing old roles and managing new tensions? In the symposium about "Paradox and sustainability: Moving beyond the business case", 2015 Annual meeting of the Academy of Management.Vancouver, Canada.

• Garnier, M., Poncin, I., and Unal-Deligny, ML. (2015, May). Le catalogue enrichi : adoption, valeur et expérience pour le consommateur. 31ème Congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing. Marrakech, Morocco.

• Janssen C., Swaen V., and Vanhamme J., (2015, February). There’s more to corporate crises than meets the eye: A consumer-oriented perspective and the link to corporate social responsibility. C(I)RC - Corporate (Ir-)Responsibility and its Consequences in a globalized world Interdisciplinary workshop. Bochum, Germany.

Leclercq, T., Hammedi, W., and Poncin, I. (2015, June). Ten Years of Value Cocreation: An Integrative Review. QUIS14. Shanghai, China.

Poncin, I., and Garnier, M. (2015, November). Le catalogue en ligne enrichi tient-il ses promesses face à un site Internet classique ? Une comparaison sur l’utilité perçue et l’expérience vécue par le consommateur. 14ème journée de recherche sur le marketing digital. Paris, France.

Poncin, I., Garnier, M., Ben Mimoun, M., and Leclercq, T. (2015, August). New technologies and shopping experience: are gamification interfaces effective? The case of the Smartstore. 44th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference. Leuven, Belgium.

Swaen V., Janssen C., and Dupont B. (2015, May), CSR communication and the sceptical consumer: An investigation of the roles of third-party labels and type of appeal across two product categories. Paper presented at the 44th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference. Leuven, Belgium.

Vandenbulcke, V., Ducarroz, C., and Fouss, F. (2015, June). Evaluating the impact of personalized recommendations: Application in the mass-retailing sector. 44th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference. Leuven, Belgium.


• Ben Mimoun, MS., and Poncin, I. (2014, October). Shopper Marketing and Innovative technologies: empirical évidences and New perspectives. Paper presented at ACIR – Workshop Innovation and Retailing. Lille, France.

Bruneau, V., and Zidda, P. (2014, May). Pourquoi les entreprises devraient-elles s’intéresser à l’attitude des clients vis-à-vis de leur programme de fidélité ?.Congress of the Association Française de Marketing (AFM). Montpellier, France.

Bruneau, V., and Zidda, P. (2014, June). Why do customer attitudes towards loyalty programs matter a lot? Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference. In: Paradigm schift & Interactions. Valencia, Spain.

• Dupont B., Janssen C., and Swaen V. (2014, June). Consumer perceptions of greenwashing: The role of third-party labels, brand positioning, and type of ad appeal. Paper presented at the 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference, Valencia, Spain.

• Janssen C., Swaen V., and Vanhamme J. (2014, June). There’s more to corporate crises than meets the eye: A consumer-oriented perspective and the link to corporate social responsibility. Poster presented at 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference. In: Paradigm schift & Interactions. Valencia, Spain.

Kervyn de Meerendré, N. (2014, January). The Human Brand ? What Social Perception Models Can Teach Us About Brand Perception. Communication at the Séminaire de recherche de l'Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France.

Poncin, I., and Ben Mimoun, MS. (2014, July). An augmented toy story: Augmented reality, consumer and the toys industry. Paper presented at EIRASS- European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies. In: 21st Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science. Bucharest, Romania.

Poncin, I., and Derbaix, C. (2014, June). Psychophysiological measures as a new method to measure advertising effectiveness. Paper presented at the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference. In: Paradigm schift & Interactions. Valencia, Spain.


• Chumpitaz R., Swaen V., Paparoidamis N. G. and Bartier A.-L. (2013, May). Modeling Buying Intentions: The role of Nostalgic Value, Authenticity and Brand Attachment. 42nd Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Monterey, USA.

Ehnert I., Gond J-P., El Akremi, A., and Swaen V. (2013, November). Reconsidering HR roles in the light of sustainability : Rebalancing old roles and managing new tensions ? 8th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network. KU Leuven & Vlerick Business School, Leuven, Belgium.

• Janssen C., Swaen V. and Dupont B. (2013, September). The determinants of consumer perceptions of greenwashing. 2nd International CSR Communication conference. Aarhus University, Aarhus, Danemark.

• Janssen C. and Swaen V. (2013, June). Enhancing CSR communication credibility: On the use of infomercials. Paper accepted for presentation at the 42th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference. Istanbul, Turkey.

• Janssen C., Swaen V. and Vanhamme J. (2013, May). Toward an understanding of consumers’ perceptions of corporate crises and their link to corporate social responsibility. Paper accepted for presentation at the 3rd CSR Research Seminar. Brussels, Belgium.

Poncin, I., Bettaieb, G. (2013, May). Les facteurs d’atmosphère dans un site en 3D : des facteurs classiques à la mobilisation des 5 sens dans l’expérience de shopping en ligne. Association Française du Marketing (AFM) Conference (La Rochelle, du 16/05/2013 au 17/05/2013). In: Actes de AFM. La Rochelle, France.

Poncin, I., and Garnier, M. (2013). Identification to the Avatar in a Commercial 3D Virtual World : A Dynamic Perspective. European Advances in Consumer Research, 10, 71-81.

Toussaint, S., Friedman, M., and Özçağlar-Toulouse, N. (2013, April). Contextualization of Consumption Spaces: Collaborative Workplaces and Consumers' Well-being.Communication at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), In 7th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research. Brussels, Belgium.

Vandenbulcke, V., Lecron, F., Ducarroz, C., and Fouss, F. (2013, June). Customer segmentation based on a collaborative recommendation system: application to a retail company. Conference of European Marketing Academy (EMAC). In: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy. Istanbul, Turkey.