Free Student Enrolment

  1. Attend the INFORMATION Session about the language course you would like to take. While your attendance is optional, it is highly recommended !

  2. Complete and submit your enrolment REQUEST as a Free StudentONLINE ENROLMENT AUTHORISATION FORM HERE

  3. The ILV Secretary will send you authorisation via email.
    Please forward this email to the UCLouvain Enrollment Office ('SIC') where you will be officially enroled as a Free Student for language courses at the ILV.

  4. Pay the enrolment fees to SIC 

  5. After your official enrolment in the course
    • Depending on the language, enrol in the appropriate course group on Moodle UCLouvain (UCLouvain’s online teaching and learning platform)
    • Activate your Virtual Office ('Bureau virtuel')
  6. In order to obtain a certificate (last level achieved) or to advance to a higher level, you have to...
    • be registered for the course to be able to register for the exam
      • take this exam
        ► the orientation test for French courses, at the beginning of the term, is not a test of success in the previous level !
      • pass this exam with at least 10/20.


♦ From 3 to 10 credits = 139,20 €

♦ 11 credits or more = 139,20 € + 90,00 € per class

► up to 30 ECTS
for official UCLouvain Students (students enroled in an academic programme)

► up to 20 ECTS
for unofficial Students (students not enroled in an academic programme)

Click on the links below for information about available classes... ! NOT ! available
  • Dutch,
  • English, 
  • Sign Language,
  • Spanish