Interested in testing the health benefits of plant combinations? The CICN is the place to be!


The CICN platform is performing several studies and is looking for volunteers to test the effectiveness of plant combinations on :

  • sleep disorders (valerian/California poppy)
  • slow intestinal transit (kiwi/peony/magnolia/prebiotic)
  • mood disorders (rhodiola/saffron)

Study on sleep quality

The CICN is still looking for a few volunteers suffering from anxiety-related sleep disorders in order to complete the study aimed at evaluating the effects of a food supplement composed of extracts of valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and California poppy (Eschscholtzia Californica).

Profile of the participants

  • healthy volunteers (i.e. without any identified pathology)
  • aged between 18 and 65 years old
  • difficulties in falling asleep, maintaining sleep and/or waking up earlier than desired

Study on the improvement of slow intestinal transit

The aim of this study is to promote good intestinal health by means of an innovative nutritional strategy combining plant extracts (magnolia, kiwi and peony bark) and prebiotics (acacia gum fiber).

Profile of participants
   • healthy volunteers (i.e., no previously identified pathology)
   • aged between 18 and 70 years
   • Slow transit


     Study on the improvement of psychological well-being

     This study aims to test the effectiveness of a combination of 2 plants :

  • Rhodiola, a plant used for years in traditional medicine to increase physical performance and reduce fatigue,
  • Saffron, which is a spice used as an anxiolytic.

The use of these plants could therefore be useful in the context of mood disorders.


 To perform these studies, we are actively seeking volunteer participants.
To register or receive more information, please contact the CICN by mail or by phone (010/47 93 05)

Published on February 22, 2023