Archives for ISP


Work In Progress Seminar - Session 3

What are the truth tropic virtues of a scientific theory?

WIP Seminar Series 3nd session: WHAT ARE THE TRUTH TROPIC VIRTUES OF A SCIENTIFIC THEORY ? Prof. Michel Ghins (Cefises Center) Abstract:  Epistemological scientific realists and antirealists alike invoke reasons to believe, or not, in the truth of some propositions...
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Conventionality and Reality in Special Relativity

Metaphysics of Science Seminar 3rd SESSION : CONVENTIONALITY AND REALITY IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY Pieter Thyssen (UC LOUVAIN) The debates on the conventionality of simultaneity and the dimensionality of the world have been central to the philosophy of special relativity. The...
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Midis de l'éthique - Chaire Hoover

Should Afghan Women automatically be granted asylum ?

Women's rights in Afghanistan and elsewhere are a major source of concern. This raises the question of whether, in some situations, gender should be a source of specific refugee rights. More broadly, whether the gender factor is properly taken into consideration in present refugee law and...
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Conférence Fernanda Alt

L'hantologie de Sartre

Le 14 décembre prochain, Madame Fernanda Alt, post-doctorante à la Federal University of São Carlos - Brésil, donnera une conférence organisée dans le cadre des rencontres de la collection Bibliothèque Philosophique de Louvain (Peeters), dirigée par...
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Colloque international

Diogène le cynique

Colloque international organisé par Pierre Destrée (FRS-FNRS, ISP/CDWM) et Charles Doyen (FRS-FNRS, INCAL) Avec des contributions de E. Brown (St Louis) |  J. Campos-Daroca (Almería) | I. Chouinard (Montréal) | P. Destrée (Louvain-La-Neuve) | L.-A. Dorion (Montréal) | O. Flores-Júnior...
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