Archives for SST


Public Thesis Defense - ELI

Global Vegetation Response to Astronomical Forcing, CO2 and Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets during MIS-11 and MIS-13 by Qianqian SU Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en Sciences My PhD study focuses on the response of global vegetation to orbital forcing, CO2, and ice sheets...
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Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Biomass for the Energy Transition: Resources, Final Uses and Beyond - Seeing the Forest for the Trees by Martin COLLA In the context of the energy transition, biomass represents a pivotal player for a sustainable future. This thesis delves into the multifaceted role of biomass, exploring its...
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Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Impacts hydrosédimentaires aval des chasses de barrages : modélisation expérimentale et numérique by Robin Meurice Depuis des siècles, les barrages permettent de gérer les ressources en eau à des fins de production et de protection contre les aléas climatiques. Néanmoins, la construction et...
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Public Thesis defense - LIBST

Identification des défauts majeurs des bières sans alcool et recherche de voies novatrices visant à l’amélioration de leur qualité by Margaux SIMON Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et Ingénierie biologique By using various GC and HPLC sensitive...
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Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Understanding hydrogen desorption mechanisms in aluminized PHS by Mohamed Krid. Press hardenable steels (PHS) coated with Al-Si alloy are widely used in the automotive industry owing to their good mechanical properties (YS > 1200 MPa and TS > 1500 MPa). The presence of Al-Si coating...
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