Archives for SST


Public Thesis defense - IMMC

X-Ray Based 3D Histology of Soft Biological Tissues Using Cryogenic Contrast-Enhanced MicroCT by Arne Maes “Form follows function” reflects an established principle in biology, which states that the structure of biological tissues and organs is closely linked to their in vivo functioning....
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Public Thesis defense - LIBST

Precision-cut adipose tissue slices from northern elephant seals and pigs : innovative models to study adipose tissue under multiple stressors by Laura PIRARD Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et Ingénierie biologique The present thesis aimed at...
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Public Thesis defense - ICTEAM

Preventing differential side-channel attacks in hardware: from generic to specific solutions by Charles Momin Information security relies on cryptographic algorithms preventing third parties from diverting systems or knowledge from their intended use. These algorithms, deployed on electronic...
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Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Residual stresses, Geometrical Defects and Surface Hardening: Impacts on Lifetime of Biomedical Implants by Maïté Croonenborghs The imperative of reliability of biomedical implants is crucial to ensure their long-term functionality, thereby reducing the need for additional, sometimes...
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Public Thesis defense - LAB

RE-DISCOVERING URBAN SLABS. Towards a new understanding of Multi-level Public Facilities by Javier Perez Puchalt This thesis discusses Urban Slabs, understood as built grounds that generate an ensemble of accessible new public places for recreation in the city. Research identifies two parts...
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