Archives for SST


Public Thesis defense - IMMC

MicroCT and contrast enhanced microCT imaging to improve treatments for cardiovascular diseases by Lisa Leyssens Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by the buildup of plaque within...
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Public Thesis defense - ICTEAM

An Integrated Development Environment for Gesture-based Interactive Applications: Instantiation to Radar Gestures by Arthur Sluyters Imagine controlling your TV or Virtual Reality headset with just a flick of the hand, as easily as swiping on your smartphone. These gestures, known as...
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Public Thesis defense - ELI

Relationships amoung functional traits in experimental microcosms of the protist Tetrahymena thermophila by Nils SVENDSEN Pour l'obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en Sciences Functional traits are phenotypic traits that affect an organism's performance and shape ecosystem-level...
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Public Thesis defense - LIBST

Recherche, développement et évaluation de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic sérologique pour la tuberculose animale by Charlotte MOENS Pour l’obtention du grade académique de Doctorat en Sciences Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis), qui fait partie du complexe Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTBC),...
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Public Thesis defense - IMMC

Quantification of trunk muscle forces through multibody models and non-invasive experimental measurements by Simon Hinnekens In biomechanics, spine modelling allows the calculation of intervertebral efforts. The latter reflect the combined effect of spine geometry, spine kinematics and muscle...
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