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A practical introduction to beam physics and particle accelerators.Third edition. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing.This book provides a brief exposition of the principles of beam physics and particle accelerators with an emphasis on numerical examples employing readily available computer tools. The new edition covers, as the first two editions, basic accelerator lenses and deflectors, lattice and beam functions, synchrotron radiation, beam envelope matching, betatron resonances with and without space charge, transverse and longitudinal emittance and space charge. |
Energetics Science and Technology: An Integrated Approach.1st ed. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Ebooks Series).This text demonstrates how the science of energetic materials technology can and should link various technologies in the physical sciences to provide an integrated approach. It includes physics, chemistry, materials science, theory and modelling, and will help the discipline to adapt to future needs and research. |
RF-MEMS technology for high-performance passives: the challenge of 5G mobile applications.Version: 20171101. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing (IOP expanding physics). Available at: with a review of the characteristics of RF-MEMS in relation to 5G, the book proceeds to develop practical insight concerning the design and development of RF-MEMS including case studies of design concepts. Including multiphysics simulation and animated figures, the book will be essential reading for both academic and industrial researchers and engineers. |
RF-MEMS technology for high-performance passives: 5G applications and prospects for 6G.Second edition, Version: 20220701. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing (IOP ebooks. [2022 collection]). Available at: focus of this book develops around hardware, and in particular on low-complexity components for Radio Frequency (RF) applications. To this end, microsystem (MEMS) technology for RF passive components, known as RF-MEMS, is employed, discussing its potentialities in the application frame of 5G. |
Ecological forest management handbook.Second edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (Applied ecology and environmental management).The second edition of Ecological Forest Management Handbook continues to provide forestry professionals and students with basic principles of ecological forest management and their applications at regional and site-specific levels. Thoroughly updated and revised, the handbook addresses numerous topics and explains that ecological forest management is a complex process that requires broad ecological knowledge. |
Functional Carbon Materials.1st ed. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Ebooks Series).This reference text provides fundamental knowledge of functional carbon materials ranging from fullerene, carbon dots, carbon fibers and nanofibers, carbon nanotubes, graphene, graphite, graphyne, diamonds, activated carbon and carbon aerogels. Each chapter. The book explores the properties and structure of each material, providing a discussion of the latest exciting developments in research, and acting as a comprehensive introduction to functional carbon materials.
Nanostructured Materials for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation.1st ed. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Ebooks Series).This reference text covers the latest issues in the area of nanostructured materials for energy and environmental applications. It focuses on functional aspects, including the basic principles and mechanisms behind the selection of the materials. The applications covered include catalysts, sensors, magnetic refrigeration, and functional electrode materials for energy harvesting (including solar cells, fuel cells and supercapacitors). |
Electrochemical sensors based on carbon composite materials: fabrication, properties and applications.Version: 20220901. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing (IOP series in sensors and sensor systems). Available at: book reviews the emerging trends in electrochemical sensors based on carbon composite materials & their applications. Carbon composite materials-based sensors offer elevated sensitivity, selectivity, stability and accuracy compared to other techniques, as well as improved portability through miniaturization. |
Ultrasonics: Physics and Applications.1st ed. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Ebooks Series).This book provides a review of state-of-the-art technological developments in applied ultrasonics with a focus on recent advances in ultrasonic research, covering metrological applications, non-destructive evaluation, sensing, devices, and physics, as well as medical diagnosis and treatment. |
Full Field Optical Metrology and Applications.1st ed. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Series in Advances in Optics, Photonics and Optoelectronics Series).Full field optical metrology methods and techniques have been in existence since the first interferometry experiments by Thomas Young in the 19th Century. This book introduces non-contact optical techniques based on the speckle effect in more detail. It also covers surface metrology and explores other characteristics related to the surface, such as strain, stress, vibration, contouring, and its x, y, and z displacements (coupled as vectors in 2D and 3D). |
Biological Evaluation of Materials: The Interaction of Materials with Their Environment.1st ed. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Ebooks Series).This reference text presents a comprehensive strategy for the identification, characterization and grouping of nanomaterials using biological methods. The focus is on methods from molecular biology, and complementary methods derived from quantum physics. |
Modeling semi-arid water-soil-vegetation systems in a changing climate.Version: 20220801. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing (IOP ebooks. [2022 collection]). Available at: dynamic nexuses affect, and are affected by, both human activity and climate change. Inappropriate land management practices can result in soil and vegetation degradation, which in turn will likely alter natural hydrologic processes, leading to more frequent and severe flooding and drought. |
The Oxford handbook of agricultural history.New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press (Oxford handbooks series).Agricultural history has enjoyed a rebirth in recent years, in part because the agricultural enterprise promotes economic and cultural connections in an era that has become ever more globally focused, but also because of agriculture's potential to lead to conflicts over precious resources. |