Archives for ISP


Seminar Skepticism & Society : How trustworthy is...

Classic sceptics taught that the investigation of nature had the sole purpose to unmask mendacious theories; ‘science’ was certainly not to discover the absolute truth. In essence, the task of the natural philosopher was to distinguish what is highly probable from what is most improbable....
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Metaphysics of Science, Stathis Psillos, From Natures to...

From Natures to Laws of Nature The key claim of this talk will be that the law-governed conception of nature is thoroughly modern. It arose mostly in the natural philosophy of Rene Descartes and was meant to replace natural powers as principles of change and of connection among distinct...
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Séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE

La seconde séance du programme 2019-2020 du séminaire interdisciplinaire de recherche du GRICE, séance intitulée "Ecologie et migrations" aura lieu le jeudi 21 novembre au Socrate 24 (Place Cardinal Mercier - Louvain-la-Neuve). Quatre spécialistes de cette question,...
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Séminaire OLOFOS - Clash between the manifest and the...

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Colloque - Husserl en dialogue(s)

Colloque international organisé par le Centre d’études phénoménologiques Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université catholique de Louvain et le Laboratoire d’ontologie, Université de Turin avec le soutien du FNRS Programme du colloque
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