Archives for ISP


CEFISES OLOFOS Seminar - Putting the dialectics of the...

Title: Putting the dialectics of the confrontation between the scientific and the manifest image at the very core of mathematics. Abstract: In this talk I apply the ideas of my current book project on interpretation in mathematics to this year’s topic of OLOFOS: the scientific vs....
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Digital Humanities as Empirical Philosophy of Science

CEFISES ASP Seminar - Charles Pence and Luca Rivelli -...

Digital Humanities as Empirical Philosophy of Science Charles H. Pence and Luca Rivelli [with Oliver Lean, in absentia] It’s a commonplace that the philosophy of science should, in principle, be able to offer normative recommendations to scientists about how to do science well – just as...
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On Feminist Bio-Aversion - Griet Vandermassen...

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CEFISES OLOFOS Seminar - Alexandre Guay - Sellars’...

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Soutenance publique de thèse de Monsieur Aníbal Pineda...

Dissertation doctorale en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en Philosophie. Étude critique sur le concept de non-contemporanéité dans la philosophie d'Ernst Bloch Notre thèse retrace l’origine et l’évolution du concept de non-contemporanéité (Ungleichzeitigkeit) dans la pensée d’Ernst...
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