How To Be Both Architecture and its Pluralities

Bruxelles Saint-Gilles, Louvain-La-Neuve, Tournai

26 octobre 2022


Conférence du cycle 2022-2023 à Loci Bruxelles.

Nous aurons la chance d'accueillir Ilana Boltvinik.

La conférence, en anglais, s'articulera autour du thème Critical urban ecosystems.

Ilana Boltvinik is a visual artist and researcher, who works at the Instituto de Artes Plasticas of the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. She is part of the pedagogic team at SOMA. Ilana is a co-founder of TRES (2009), an independent art collective. Her Research-Based Art practice focusses on the implications of urban space and waste.