22 novembre 2018
from 11:15 to 13:15
Metrolab Studio Quai du commerce, 48
The LOCI team of Metrolab Brussels is pleased to invite you to the the round table:
The role of third-places in the making of public spaces
(22.11.2018 from 11:15 to 13:15 at Metrolab Studio Quai du commerce, 48 – 1000 Brussels)
The sharing of space has always been an issue in the making of the city. The choice of separating the functions (working, living, moving, entertaining) or their combination in a single place is one of the central variables of the urban project. The recent proliferation of coworking spaces, fablabs, and temporary occupations through cultural or artistic activities brings new light to this debate. Neither completely public nor completely private, these are intermediate spaces that we call third places. These third places have the particularity of being collective spaces that favour individuation. They contribute to the development of artistic practices that can as well have an impact on the public space and the conviviality that settles there. The round table will question both the shared dimension of third places and the impact that activities developed there have on the public space. We consider three axes of thinking: the creation of places, the artistic and cultural trajectories, the urban design. The discussion will focus on the interventions of Pierre Pevée (SMart) on the Brussels Art Factory in Saint-Gilles and LaVallée in Molenbeek, Stéphane Damsin (Recyclart) on the reopening of the Recyclart art center on Manchester street and Petra Pferdmenges (Alive Architecture) on the Packdesign 2014 project, Parkfarm.
Visit our website to know the full programme
You are very welcome to attend the round table.
Please note that the seats are limited.
This event is organised in the framework of the international symposium Scaffolds – Open Encounters with Society, Art and architecture that will take place from 22nd to 23rd of November 2018 in different places in Brussels.
Feel free to attend the whole symposium, more information on the EPFL website
The whole symposium is organised by ALICE lab EPFL, in collaboration with Metrolab Brussels (ULB-UCL), ATTP Technische Universität Wien, the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment of the Technische Universiteit Delft; and The Faculty of Architecture of KU Leuven.
Metrolab is a project funded by Brussels-Capital Region and the ERDF