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Z. Zhu et X. M. Wu, Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machine drives.Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2024.Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives A comprehensive resource providing basic principles and state-of-the art developments in sensorless control technologies for permanent magnet synchronous machine drives Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives highlights the global research achievements over the last three decades and the sensorless techniques developed by the authors and their colleagues, and covers sensorless control techniques of permanent magnet machines, discussing issues and solutions. Accéder au livre |
W. Xu, M. M. Ismail, et M. R. Islam, Permanent magnet synchronous machines and drives: flux weakening advanced control techniques,First edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2024.Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are popular in the electric vehicle industry due to their high-power density, large torque-to-inertia ratio, and high reliability. This book presents an improved field-oriented control (FOC) strategy for PMSMs that utilizes optimal proportional-integral (PI) parameters to achieve robust stability, faster dynamic response, and higher efficiency in the flux-weakening region. Accéder au livre |
Advanced analytic and control techniques for thermal systems with heat exchangers.London: Academic Press, 2020.Advanced Analytic Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers presents the latest research on sophisticated analytic and control techniques specific for Heat Exchangers (HXs) and heat Exchanger Networks (HXNs), such as Stability Analysis, Efficiency of HXs, Fouling Effect, Delay Phenomenon, Robust Control, Algebraic Control, Geometric Control, Optimal Control, Fuzzy Control and Artificial Intelligence techniques. Accéder au livre |
A. Iglesias, D. Assimacopoulos, et H. A. J. van Lanen, Éd., Drought: science and policy,First edition. in Hydrometeorological extreme events. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2018.Comprehensive coverage of understanding, prevention, and risk management of extreme drought events, with examples of approaches followed in water-stressed regions This book describes the progress made in our understanding of severe drought and explains how we can deal with—and even avoid—complete devastation brought on by such punishing events. Accéder au livre |
Drought: an interdisciplinary perspective.New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.Water is fundamental to all life. From the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, to the extreme water shortages that have struck California in recent years, modern societies often take its abundance for granted until it unexpectedly becomes scarce. Drought is one of the many problems anthropogenic climate change may exacerbate, but it is also a complex phenomenon at the intersection of a range of scientific disciplines and public policy issues. Accéder au livre |
Modern optics simplified.Oxford: Oxford university press, 2020.This textbook reduces the complexity of the coverage of optics to allow a student with only elementary calculus to learn the principles of optics and the modern Fourier theory of diffraction and imaging. Students majoring in sciences or engineering and taking a standard physics course on optics will find this text useful. Examples of a variety of applications dependent on optics allow the student to connect this course to their particular field of interest. Accéder au livre |
Quaternary dating methods.Chichester, West Sussex, England: J. Wiley, 2005.This introductory textbook introduces the basics of dating, the range of techniques available and the strengths and limitations of each of the principal methods. Coverage includes: the concept of time in Quaternary Science and related fields the history of dating from lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy the development and application of radiometric methods different methods in dating: radiometric dating, incremental dating, relative dating and age equivalence. Accéder au livre |
F. L. Rogers, Éd., Deforestation and afforestation: global challenges, management, and environmental Environmental research advances. New York: Novinka, 2017.
Extermination of forests is an essential part of human activity since prehistoric times. There are several reasons for this: the forest is an enemy environment hiding predators and other threats; the forest is a source for wood, which is used for firing and materials of construction; forest occupies land, which could be used for agriculture. Accéder au livre |
The economics of deforestation: the example of Ecuador.New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.Tropical forests are disappearing at an unaltered pace, giving way to alternative land uses. This book gives an economic perspective on deforestation. Following a survey of different deforestation definitions, theories and empirical evidence, a case-study of Ecuador provides a versatile historical picture of factors affecting forest loss throughout different periods, regions and ecosystems. Accéder au livre |