Missions and governance

  • Missions

GlobeUCLouvain’s international involvement isn’t about mere statistics – numbers of exchanges, international students and staff. It’s about placing its openness to the world at the heart of the university’s missions. Indeed, teaching our students to think and act in both today’s and tomorrow’s worlds is to make them aware of and open to other cultures, and to endow them with the ability to communicate and collaborate in an international and intercultural context. Innovating in research, education and serving society – the university’s three primary missions – is to understand what’s going on elsewhere in the world and to think differently in order to find solutions.

Thus UCLouvain’s international mission is integral to its broader missions, its vision and its values.

  • Gouvernance

UCLouvain’s international activity is premised on the commitment of everyone involved with the university. It’s therefore part of a collective dynamic whose cohesion is ensured by the International Action Committee (CAI), supported by the International Relations Department (ADRI), and under the responsibility of Pro-Rector for International Affairs Hervé Jeanmart.

An additional series of activities are carried out in close collaboration with the NGO Louvain Coopération.