Archives for ILC

ILC Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Overcoming Obstacles to Climate Change Mitigation: a...

Overcoming Obstacles to Climate Change Mitigation: a cross-cutting approach by human and social sciences Réduire les freins à l'engagement climatique : une approche transversale par les sciences humaines et sociales   International and interdisciplinary scientific conference...
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Conference : "Sexisme sur la voix publique" (FR)

  Confrence : "Sexisme sur la voix publique" (in french) Marlène Coulomb-Gully, discutante : Emily Hoyos, Arlette Laguiller ânonnerait un texte de certificat d’études, Edith Cresson aurait une voix de poissonnière, Eva Joly serait une insulte à la langue française, Christiane...
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Posters Day 2024

    The ILC Posters Day will be held on Friday 23 February 2024, Foyer du Lac - Aula Magna.  This annual event is open to all members of the institute, whether alone or in a group, academic or scientific, who wish to talk about their methods and...
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New members welcome morning 2023

Dear (new) ILC members,  On Thursday, October 19, 2023, we'll be welcoming all new members of the Institute, whether academic, scientific or administrative. We strongly encourage recent newcomers to attend; we also welcome older members who may have missed certain procedures or...
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