Archives for ELI


ELIV seminaire

Oviposition and microhabitat selection in a butterfly...

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Défense de thèse

Oviposition and microhabitat selection in a butterfly...

Plasticity in biological traits is assumed crucial for allowing organisms to cope with heterogeneity of ecological resources in time and space. It is still unclear to what extent different types of plasticity may affect adaptive behaviours to colonize and thrive in landscapes under human-induced...
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Seminaire ELIV

Insect conservation in times of rapid global change by...

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Elic seminar

Bringing back the human dimension in tick-borne disease...

Dr. Catherine Bouchard (Agence de Santé publique du Canada, Université de Montréal) will give a seminar in UCLouvain, Earth & Life Institute on June 16th, 2023    « Bringing back the human dimension in tick-borne disease risk assessment and management”   ...
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Défense de thèse

Mechanisms driving streamflow alterations in Algerian...

Water security is a major issue in semi-arid and arid regions in which the hydrological cycle is adversely impacted by extensive anthropogenic and climatic changes. Consequently, understanding the mechanisms that underline the hydrologic alteration of rivers in these regions is a key to...
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