Archives for ELI
May 16, 2023
Elic seminar
Asynchronous Holocene Optimum in East Asia monsoon...
Reconstructions of Holocene Optimum (HO) in East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) regime from speleothem versus other proxy records have
yielded divergent phase relationships with the EASM and local precipitation. This apparent discrepancy has been partly attributed to
the uncertainties in the...
Click to know more May 09, 2023
Elic seminar
Internal dynamics of global liquid layers in planetary...
In rotating fluids, the Coriolis force acts as a restoring force that can support oscillations known as inertial waves. One
important example are Rossby waves existing in the Earth’s thin atmospheric and oceanic layers. The dispersion relation and profile of
those waves can be derived...
Click to know more May 04, 2023
Seminaire ELIV
What happened to the dark at night? by Ruben Evens...
Click to know moreMay 02, 2023
Défense de thèse
Mixing effects along ecological gradients in temperate...
Mixed forests often have higher productivity, stress resistance and temporal stability of productivity than comparable pure forests. Several mechanisms for this have been described: competition release, facilitation and competitive dominance of a highly productive species. We studied patterns in...
Click to know more April 27, 2023
Seminaire ELIV