Archives for ELI


Seminaire ELIV

Homo naledi and the Chamber of Secrets de Jeremy DeSilva

Movie Seminar 
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Défense de thèse

Investigating soil-water-plant relations - From root...

Plant transpiration is the main component of terrestrial evapotranspiration and represents about 40% of terrestrial rainfall. This huge amount of water is extracted from the soil by the plant root systems, which thereby play a crucial role in controlling soil moisture (SM) and its variability in...
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Défense de thèse

Bridging the gap between small and large spatial scales...

The Great Barrier Reefs (GBR) is a treasure of biodiversity, with an immense ecological, economical and iconic value. However, this unique ecosystem is facing many threats, and is particularly suffering from global change. Management measures are therefore more than ever required to protect and...
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Défense de thèse

A novel phenotyping pipeline for root system...

Plant root systems are responsible for the capture of soil water and minerals essential for their growth. With the need to reduce fertiliser use and improve resilience to extreme climate events, improving resource capture efficiency has become a hot topic in agriculture. This includes optimising...
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Défense de thèse

Personality variation in the butterfly Pararge aegeria:...

Urbanization and agriculture are strongly modifying natural ecosystems and these land use changes are now considered as major drivers of biodiversity change. Yet, some species appear to be able to deal with human-created environments. However, because these settings show altered biotic and...
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