Archives for ELI


Twenty Sixth Conference on Food Microbiology by Belgian...

laboratoire MBLA co-organise la Belgian Conference on Food Microbiology (13 et 14 octobre 2022 à Bruxelles)
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Presentation FRIA de Lena Jeannerod, Marco D’Agostino et...

 Lena Jeannerod, Marco D’Agostino et Diana Borniotto feront des présentations au séminaire PEPA afin de les aider à se préparer à leurs interviews FRIA Sauf contre-indication, les échanges seront en Français ([10 min de présentation + 10 min Q&R + feedback] x 3) et auront lieu...
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3-day training course in Quaternary Geochronology

The BELQUA National Committee organizes a 3-day training course in geochronology from 4 till 6 October 2022. The training involves a theoretical part on geochronological techniques and age-depth modelling given by experts in the field, and practical exercises.   We welcome MSc and...
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Séminaire Sols

Identifying winter biogeochemical connectivity in...

Permafrost soils in Arctic have recently shown unfrozen soil portions in winter, which can increase soil biogeochemical connectivity. This winter connectivity is mainly present if the system is open (unfrozen soil portions are connected) than if the system is closed. However, only few studies...
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Seminaire ELIV

Impacts et interactions de multiples facteurs de...

Victor Brans (FRIA - UCLouvain). Impacts et interactions de multiples facteurs de changement environnemental dans la nature: une analyse de viabilité de métapopulation de Boloria eunomia en Ardennes belges  suivi par Ulrich Martin (UCLouvain). An insight into the trophic...
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