Archives for IMMC


Public Thesis defense

Exploring contrast-enhancing staining agents for...

For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology   The need for high-resolution 3D imaging of biological tissues is a driving force behind the development of innovative technologies. Among these technologies, microfocus computed tomography (MicroCT) stands out for its...
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Public Thesis defense

Gait rehabilitation with an active pelvis orthosis for...

For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology   Parkinson's disease results in various gait impairments such as reduced gait speed, stride length and cadence, as well as a reduced level of long-range autocorrelations in series of stride durations, a subtle aspect of...
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Physics-based simulations to assess the neuromechanics...

Simulations of human movement that predict how a person moves based on a neuro-musculoskeletal model can be used to enhance our understanding of the interaction between motor control and musculoskeletal dynamics, and ultimately to design optimal treatments for neuro-musculoskeletal disorders. I...
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TFL Seminar

Extended discontinuous Galerkin Methods - Multiphase and...

This presentation focuses on the development and application of Extended Discontinuous Galerkin (XDG) methods, initially motivated by the need to accurately simulate incompressible multiphase flows, such as interactions between oil and water or air bubbles in liquids. Addressing multiphase flows...
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IMAP Seminar

Unveil the interest of neutrons and nuclear reactors for...

Characterization is a sole day-to-day activity at IMAP. It is an essential act for understanding the fundamental behavior of processed materials, whether they are metals, thin films, chemical reactions, membranes, or polymers. In this seminar, I will introduce the potential of neutrons for...
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