Archives for IMMC


IMAP Seminar

Les secrets d'une assistante à la retraite : partage de...

Êtes-vous prêt à révolutionner votre approche pédagogique et offrir à vos étudiants une expérience d'apprentissage exceptionnelle ? Rejoignez notre séminaire captivant sur les pratiques pédagogiques d’une assistante à la retraite ! Durant 30 minutes vous participerez à une exploration...
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MEED Seminar

Control of anthropomorphic robotic arms and myoelectric...

The traces of amputations and those of the tools/apparatus proposed, designed and manufactured to replace the lost upper or lower limbs can be found in Antiquity. Amputees and/or tetraplegics have varying degrees of disability and anatomical dysfunction. However, existing upper arm prosthetics,...
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IMAP Seminar

In-situ following of damage in titanium alloys obtained...

The advent of additive manufacturing has opened the door to the production of previously inaccessible geometries. However, laser powder bed fusion tends to generate defects (porosities, hot cracking) as well as high internal stresses, resulting in a significant loss of mechanical properties of...
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IMAP Seminar

A 3D printed film for joints: integrated manufacturing,...

Many complex structures such as airplanes are made of dissimilar materials, combining for instance Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Composites and metal sheets. Manufacturing these multimaterial structures requires an efficient bonding process, but also high crack propagation resistance....
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Public Thesis defense

On tensegrity structures for civil engineering...

    For the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology   Tensegrity – otherwise known as the art of floating bars in an ocean of cables – has fascinated a large scientific community for decades, though very few structures have been built. Why? Together,...
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