News for lourim
LOURIM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons
March 29, 2021
Arthur Sluÿters prized at the HERA Awards
The HERA Awards for Future Generations are prizes awarded by the “Fondation pour les Générations Futures” that reward outstanding master and PhD theses.
Arthur Sluÿters received the HERA Award Sustainable IT for the 9th edition of the awards. The event will be held from April 21 to April...
Click to know more February 09, 2021
Dance your PhD
Dance your PhD
January 29 was the deadline to submit the video for the Dance your PhD contest. Julie Solbreux, PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Julie Hermans entered the contest.
But what is the “Dance your PhD” contest? The idea is to record...
Click to know more February 08, 2021
Bourse en Management Humain
L’Université catholique de Louvain engage un boursier ou une boursière en Management Humain
Contexte de travail
Le poste s’inscrit dans le programme de recherche du Professeur Laurent Taskin sur les effets du télétravail intensif sur le rapport au travail et la mise en...
Click to know more January 15, 2021
LouRIM Research Excellence Award 2020
On January 8, LouRIM held exceptionally online the sixth edition of its yearly internal event, the LouRIM Award. The “LouRIM Research Excellence Award” recognizes the scientific merits of Institute members for their outstanding contributions published in a scientific journal during the preceding...
Click to know more December 17, 2020
Best wishes
We wish you a joyful festive season and a happy new year 2021! Stay safe!
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