At least two months before the anticipated deadline of your private defence, you must propose a jury to the PhD commission. This is a formal step as your board will have to be accepted by the Rector of the university. This can also be a complicated step as it involves several authorities and quite a number of people. Consider starting the whole procedure earlier if you are getting near hollidays periods.
We recommend you to proceed in the following sequence:
- Contact the president of your institute who will designate the president of your board
- Assemble your jury with your supervisor(s) and your supervisory panel, following the official rules. Designate one of the jury members affiliated to UCL (neither the president, nor the supervisors) as secretary
- Contact all members of your jury (including the president) to set up a date for the private defence.
- Make sure you have submitted your last training activities to the PhD commission. You must indeed have accumulated 40 validated ECTS before the private defence.
- In the My PHD > PRIVATE DEFENCE area, complete the list of members who make up your jury under the Jury members tab. Check twice their email address as the official invitations will be sent by email.
- In the Signature tab, invite the members of the supervisory panel and the president of your institute to sign your board composition proposal. You can use the same two procedures as for the admission.
- After the signatures have been collected, you can submit your board composition proposal to the PhD commission. Your status will change to Board composition submitted.
Your status will change to Board validated, waiting for report as soon as the PhD commission and the Rector have accepted your board composition. At that moment, the PhD commission will send an official invitation to every member of your jury, along with an evaluation form they ar asked to send to the board secretary and president before the private defence.