IPSY Day 2019


IPSY Day 2019

Sharing our research in IPSY


Tuesday, May 21st afternoon at room SOC -242



12:00 Lunch and posters (Hall - Socrate 10 - Level 0)
13:00  Welcome words: Mauro Pesenti, IPSY President

Chair:  prof. Annalisa Casini

13:10 Symposium 1 - Perfectionism: consequences and underlying processes

Perfectionism and emotion regulation strategies in psychopathology (EN)
Alice Verschuren

The role of abstract-analytic thinking in the relationship between perfectionism and psychological distress (EN)
Céline Douilliez

A processual approach of overgeneral emotional information processing in maladaptive perfectionism (EN)
Bérénice Delor

Qu’est-ce que le haut potentiel adulte et
pourquoi cette population est-elle plus à risque de développer du perfectionnisme ? 
Juliette Hagelstein

Perfectionnisme et stress : La clé de l'auto-compassion (F)
Marie Bayot


14:50 Blitz talks

Does semantic categorization really precede affective processing? (EN)
Adrien Mierop

Targeting moral disengagement and class norms in different subtypes of school bullies (EN)
Chloé Tolmatcheff

Why we should study transidentities through the lens of social identity theories (F)
Emma Sarter

Investigating how number-word formation rule in mother tongue impacts numerical processing in a newly acquired language (EN)
Nicolas Masson

15:20 Coffee break and posters  session

16:20 Symposium 2 - Which teaching/learning levers for primary school students? Three focuses to understand them

Enseigner et faire apprendre l’écriture au primaire. L’impact des médiations métacognitives (F)
Stéphane Colognesi

Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit? Impact of word graphic complexity on spelling and handwriting performance (EN)
Claire Gosse

Learning numbers with and without visual experience (EN)
Virginie Crollen

17:20 Closing comments and Best poster Award


** (F)= talk given in French ; (EN) = talk given in English