Social activities

A welcome meeting

In the beginning of each academic year, ACELI organises a Welcome Meeting dedicated to new researchers in ELI. An ELI welcome guide goes with this day to help you to integrate your new institute. 

This year's Welcome Meeting will be held on November 17

You will hear:

  • The president of the institute, Prof. Marnik Vanclooster, presents the structure and goals of ELI, the structure of the UCL itself and how ELI integrates therein;
  • ACELI's presidents give a short talk to present the researcher's association;
  • SMCS (the methodology and statistical calculation support platform) presentation
  • The new part-time biostatistician hired in ELI in June;
  • MOCA and SEFY platforms.

If you cannot attend th event in person, all useful information can be found in the Welcome Guide, but the presentations will also be put up on this page.

24H vélo – the vELI

Each year, the ACELI took part in the famous 24 heures vélo of Louvain-la-Neuve thereby representing ELI institute in the bike race and collecting money for caritative organizations. This famous festive event consists in cycling (biking) along a circuit in Louvain-la-Neuve by teams in the form of a relay race (and to party) during 24 hours. Riding the ELI bike is a good opportunity to get your sports on, do a good deed and meet other people!

Due to the shortage of staff at ACELI this year, we won't be able to organize the usual recreational events such as the 24h vélo and recreational and/or fields days. However, if you would like to organize this activity, ACELI, with financial assistance from ELI, will provide the equipment (bike, helmet, food, drinks), help you set up the project and can provide a little help with coordination. 



Pictures: VELI 2015, VELI 2019, VELI 2022

Recreational day

An annual team building afternoon is organized, usually at the end of spring.  In 2022, ACELI organized tournament of outdoor games at the Lauzelle farm, an afterwork drink and a putlock dinner. In 2023, ACELI organized spikeball and molki tournaments. 

Due to the shortage of staff at ACELI this year, we won't be able to organize the usual recreational events. However, if you would like to organize this activity, ACELI, with financial assistance from ELI, will help you set up the project and can provide a little help with coordination. 




Picture : 2023 ACELI recreational day